Well I guess it is time for an update...

May 09, 2005 09:31

Hmmm... I forget where I left off with things- but I guess I will just post what I remember- lol

Let's see-

I'm still working for the same place- but there are lots less people here now- 3 lost jobs/transferred to new ones when they decided to "decentralize" our research department- so now I'm offically in charge of "cardiology" research studies although I'm doing a few for Type 2 Diabetes as well. The studies are going okay though- and I've had trips to LA, Atlanta, Vegas, and San Antonio in the last few months. Those are always fun but it can really eat into your life to go away for away.

I had a birthday- and was sick on it- blah- and my husband took two of the 4 kids to New Orleans with him from my bday 4/28 through 5/1 so although I had less to deal with they were all gone on my bday- But on Saturday- I went to see Hitchhiker's Guide to the Universe it was funny but I wish I had reread the book before... We did laugh and ran into some lady that came in late to our show and was waiting for the next show- she told me and my friend that she thought we were in college or something- like 22years- since my friend is 30 and I had just turned 37 I thought it was pretty cool... nice to look young sometimes

The baby had surgery- tubes in and adenoids out- he did pretty well with it- and I'm hoping will have fewer ear infections now- he was so pitiful coming out of anesthesia though and just cried and cried- he's better now- crawling all over the place and eats everthing- unfortunately his most favorite thing to eat other than paper is electrical cords- so we've had to rearrange things to keep him away but he's pretty sneaky sometimes

Oldest child turns 17 tomorrow- (one of those things that makes me looking 22 not a good thing- people don't believe he is my child-lol) he actually didn't ask for much for his birthday which is good- He has a concert tonight which my inlaws are coming in for and he gets confirmed next weekend- again all inlaws coming in- but my parents booked a vacation (they've had the date forever and aren't going to be there- which is a little upsetting but par for the course)

Oldest daughter- went to state Social Studies fair- she didn't place but I got to spend the day in the sun waiting for her the didn't have a place for parents to wait other than outside the stadium they were holding the judging in and no one but the kids could be in there... She did however get chosen from her audition for a special choir that will be performing in New Orleans this next fall- she will be on some training video as a result- the down side is she is flunking English and will have to go to summer school- she isn't dumb it is just that she has never had the grammar in previous years and couldn't keep up this year- that is the downside of the special tests in our area- in 4th and 8th grades they offer a LEAP test which they must pass to proceed upward in classes- the tests have an essay on them- so the public schools use all previous years to teach creative writing and don't worry about things like basics... my daughter's 4th grade leap test- she scored 100% on her essay and it was later used as an example of a "perfect" essay- but now she can't pass English class...

Youngest Daughter- hasn't been doing much but dance and Girl Scouts- she danced at a festival this past weekend and will be dancing at an Arena football game Memorial Day Weekend... She was sick last weekend and I just got off the phone with her teacher who is probably the worst teacher any of my kids have had- and had to argue with her that we didn't get a note about a field trip today last week because dd was out sick most of the week and then teacher was not there

Husband- not many changes there- still same old same old- but now he seems to travel lots more- getting more guys hired which is a good thing but it is a pain sometimes when he is gone and I have to cut out of work early to pick up kids...

Purchased "A Series of Unfortunate Events" with some of my Birthday money- it was okay- but then I only read the book once long long ago so if it was off any I really don't recall. My youngest daughter watched it while home sick and I had to point out that the name of the movie meant that several bad things would be happening to the children in the story- (she gets a little sensitive and tends to pick up on things better than most kids her age) Before watching it she asked- "Why on Earth would they want to make a movie about a bunch of bad stuff happening to kids?" Good question...

Got a dog- we got a new puppy about a month ago- over Easter Break- he's a Border Collie and Australlian Shepard mix who ended up being named Max- I wanted to call him George so I could "squeeze him and hug him and call him George" but husband said no- Stinky was passed around for a bit (puppies do stink) but we really didn't want it to stick, the kids tried to think up something from Harry Potter since other dog is named Hairy Potter- but most things were rejected... he's pretty good and very smart- didn't take long to house train either (although a coworker has his sister and she is bell trained- she rings a bell when she wants to go out to potty) - Hairy likes having someone to boss around and play with and they seem to get along okay.

Well- lots going on right now- and I am currently avoiding work at work and really can't seem to make myself care...

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