Finals frivolity.

May 03, 2008 10:01

Although this joke really only applies to Oliver, David and I, here is a bit of fun in honor of the upcoming finals week (which I'm going to start hard-core studying for in all of ten minutes). For those of you who've already graduated, I hope it brings back some happy memories of Finals Week.

FINALS WEEK to the tune of the Beatles' "Yesterday"
Copyright 1991 Karen M. Arnold (

All my finals seemed so far away.
Now it looks as though they're here...TODAY?!?!?
Oh, I wish they would go away.

There's not half the time there used to be.
There's a paper hangin' over me,
Oh, finals came so suddenly.

Why we have to know this Plato, I couldn't say.
I just haven't read, now I dread the grading day-ay-ay-ay

Life was such an easy game to play
Now I need a place to hide away
My first exam was yesterday.

or alternatively

Yesterday, All My Finals Seemed so Far Away

all my finals seemed so far away.
Then I realized that they start today.
Oh, how I long for yesterday.

I no longer have the grade of "B".
Now it's looking closer to a "C".
Oh, finals came so suddenly.

I can
cram, although I can blow
it off today.
Come to-
morrow morn, I'll get on
my knees and pray...

This was such an easy tune to play.
Now my chops are all but gone away,
My jury's a half-hour away.

What I
have to show
I don't know,
the prof won't say.
I'll spell
something wrong, or I'll bomb..
.... there goes my "A"...

Thought of graduating come this May.
Now it looks as though I'm here to stay,
oh, how I long for Yesterday.

parodies off the interwebs, finals, graduating, future

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