Apr 11, 2011 22:15
Day 6: How many FEs have you played?
I've played 4, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 so far, though I am planning on eventually playing the DS games and Thracia as well. I don't really see much to discuss here, and since it kind of ties into Day 7's question, I'll just go ahead and answer them both~.
Day 7: Favorite game in the series
Rather obviously, my favorites are the Tellius games (just look at the size of the fe9/10 tag relative to my other tags!). I prefer to think of them as two parts of the same story, which is why I usually lump them together. If I really had to pick one, though, it'd have to be Path of Radiance. This decision is really only based on the fact that PoR has supports and RD doesn't - I am never going to get over the fact that IS neglected to include any real support conversations in RD. I love the fluffy, happy moments they bring with them, as well as the character development and inter-party banter. So, um. I like RD a more in almost all other aspects, though - gameplay, main storyline and graphics in particular.
Speaking of graphics... I really think FE9 has the worst graphics in the entire series, NES games excepted, in spite of it being my favorite FE game ever. The 3D models just looks really awful and the animations are generally lifeless. RD was a fairly huge improvement in this regard; it even added victory poses! ♥ Though on the other hand, RD also has those awful character portraits. What did they do to Astrid? And Titania. And Rolf. And Soren. A-and... :((
... um this is more than a little off-topic, isn't it. Anyway.
I don't really get the chance to rant about FE7 or FE8 when answering this meme's questions since they usually pertain to your favorites (of which the vast majority will, of course, be from the Tellius games), but I love them as well. I'd say FE7 is placed a little higher than FE8 for me, but both are really amazing games, and both have many characters I love. I would add a comment about how sad FE8 hate makes me you'd think I would be used to hatedoms by now, seriously but, actually... it has a lot of fans on LJ and nobody here seems to write essays on how terrible and clichéd the story is or whatever, so... I don't really feel like complaining for once! It's nice to see the Magvel love here.
As for my least favorite, it's FE4. I've, admittedly, written about this several times before, but.... I don't hate the game. Not at all. But I could never get into it, and the hypocrisy of the many FE4 fanboys I've seen before kind of soured me on the game. I mean, no offense to FE4 fans, but I've seen people rave on and on about how Seisen no Keifu is "the pinnacle of videogame storytelling, gameplay and character development, and you're and idiot/insane/retarded if you think otherwise!". Especially when the same people who praised Genealogy's character development then immediately turn around and bash FE10 for "not having any, because it doesn't have supports!". Just. What? Neither does Seisen. Yes, RD would have been quite a bit better with supports, but it's an amazing game even without them (and at least it has base conversations for this kind of thing - a lot of the characters in FE4 felt rather underdeveloped to me and many who seemed like they could have been interesting desperately lacked screentime).
I guess I'm just angry because people tend to bash RD so much. Lol I'm glad I've stopped reading the GameFAQs forums, but... I can't exactly forget all of that nonsense and keeping it in isn't really helping. I just have to rant about everything I've ever read. It's what I do!
Also I can't think of a good reason to use a cut this time around... um. I guess I'll just... not use one. I have never not used a cut before this feels really weird
30 days of fe,
fire emblem