I'm not sure why I'm posting to LJ because I keep thinking "hey, this stuff isn't going to interest anybody on your flist"
but then I realized that it interests me, and so long as it does that, it should be ok to post things. I think. Probably.
1) I've been playing lots of games lately, sooo it's gameblogging time. (I kind of mostly intended to use this LJ for gameblogging, so why not!)
I beat Super Mario Galaxy not too long ago, and while I've never been much of a Mario fan... the storybook in that game is just too cute. I-it even made me cry. I definitely wasn't expecting a Mario game to do that, but somehow it did! Aside from that, uhm. I'm afraid I don't have much to comment on. I could never really get into Mario games. ... wow I feel like a bad Nintendo fan
Currently, I'm playing Xenoblade Chronicles, and it's kind of bizarre in that it's essentially a single-player MMO with a much more fun battle system than you'd expect and a rather disappointing storyline. I might be the one of the few people who have played the game who actually isn't overly fond of the story, but I've noticed that I tend to be overly harsh on the dialogue when it comes to storytelling, and for some reason I value humor a lot, so if I don't think something is funny, I'm usually overly critical of it.
(This is a completely unrelated rant, but in some ways, it actually makes sense to me -- realistic dialogue kind of needs funny moments every now and then, imo, because humor is simply one of the easiest ways to show that a group of characters feel at ease around each other.)
I've seen people compare the game to Xenosaga and Xenogears, but general consensus says they're pretty different and that the Xeno- prefix was thrown in for the heck of it, and I think I'll have to agree (though admittedly, I've only watched Let's Plays of the first two Xenosaga games, so take this with a grain of salt). Supposedly, the storyline gets a lot more mind-screwy near the end, so I guess there are some similarities. Since I've already spoiled myself [also yes the rest of this sentence is a spoiler :D], I do have to admit that I like the idea of a good "machine god" fighting against an evil "god of the living", because usually you'd expect it to be the other way around.
... anyway, irrelevant babbling aside, it's a pretty fun game. I'm not kidding when I say it's essentially a single-player MMO, though! Xenoblade shares the same quest system, tank-healer-DPS roles, and massive, open areas with the genre, for better or for worse. I have no clue why some critics claim it's the ~best JRPG of the decade~ because nope it doesn't even come close, but to each their own, I guess. Maybe they just haven't played World of Warcraft before?
Also, I may or may not have an odd obsession with Melia because aside from her adorable design she's just overly formal and socially awkward and princesses are cute and it's just. d'awww
so she definitely wins the favorite character award, no contest!
2) So, Skyward Sword. I wouldn't really call myself a Zelda fan, because whenever I try to play a Zelda game I get stuck on the second dungeon because I'm so bad at puzzles and then I'm always all "nnnope, guess this series isn't for me" but
I've decided that, for once, I'm going to try to actually play a Zelda game. And beat it. Maybe I'll finally be able to understand why the series is so popular!
I actually have reasons to think I'll enjoy Skyward Sword more than other Zelda games; for one, most of the game takes place outdoors rather than in dungeons, which I really appreciate because dungeons in video games give me a mildly claustrophobic feeling, and it's... slightly uncomfortable, I guess. I'm also looking forward to the improved combat, because who wouldn't?
Storywise, the game seems a lot more cinematic and well-written (no seriously the dialogue looks really good from what I've seen so far) than the other games in the series, which I'm really happy about because yes, I'm one of those people who enjoys good storytelling in video games. Which is, thankfully, not something people look down on you for on LJ! Then again, what actually constitutes as "good storytelling" to me doesn't really make a lick of sense, as I explained while ranting about Xenoblade, so uh.
But speaking of the story, I'm really intrigued by Zelda's role in Skyward Sword! She just seems to have such an adorable and spunky personality and I have to agree with the people who say that this is the first game which makes you *care* about Zelda, because yeah, I already care.
Also I've been reading internet forums again (somebody help me) and the way the Zelda fanbase reacts to the reviews is completely hilarious. Apparently, the game getting a 4/5 from a few reviewers is reason enough to cancel your pre-order, because who cares about all of those 10/10's it's been getting?
this video describes that kind of behavior perfectly. It's also plain brilliant
3) In other news, I haven't drawn anything in what feels like forever because I decided that, ultimately, video games + school > drawing fan art. It was probably a wise decision. (Though I've been wasting a lot of time trying to figure out which MBTI types the Tellius FE characters would have instead, so I'm not sure it's working particularly well and there are so many things I want to draw aslfjslfksd)
I feel bad for posting this entry because it's so ranty and weird so I will share
this video of a kitty just in case there's somebody who hasn't seen it yet who comes across this post
... actually, what is that cat even doing? Is it feeling ok, because it looks sort of scared and now I feel bad for it :'(