30 Days of FE, Day 26: Scene that made you go "awww"

Apr 25, 2011 19:02

I'm just going to assume the question means "awww" as in "awww, that's so cute/adorable/sad!" (or maybe mostly sad. I want to post some sad quotes!) and not "awww, that's such a shame".

I have two moments for Rekka, actually.

Louise: ...Rebecca, manners and carriage alone do not make one a lady. Certainly, I had to learn the ways of the court... But my husband, Lord Pent, did not marry me for those.
Rebecca: Do you mean that?
Louise: Haha... I do! I was 14... about your age now, I believe? Count Reglay had gathered as many as 20 women to consider...
Rebecca: Twenty women!?
Louise: Before Lord Pent would see them, each had to exhibit a special skill. Everyone was eager to demonstrate the qualities of a good wife... And...I was one of those women trying so hard to impress him. They were all highborn ladies of Etruria. They sang, danced, played music, and composed poetry... And I could not have outdone them in any of those arts...
Rebecca: So...then...how did he come to choose you?
Louise: ...I said to Lord Pent, “My skill is with the bow.” And then... “My sweet lord, if you choose me, I will protect you to life’s end.”
Rebecca: No...way!
Louise: My face was flushed after I spoke, and the room filled with laughter. ...I could feel their scorn, as if to say “foolish girl!” But one of them...smiled. And he looked down at me with the kindest eyes... It was...Lord Pent.
Rebecca: ......
Louise: “I have never met a girl whose heart was so clear, Louise,” he said, and he then took my hand. ...I felt like I was being lifted into heaven... So, dear Rebecca... Instead of doubting yourself... Show the one you love your true heart. Don’t underestimate yourself. You are one of the loveliest girls I have ever seen. I give you my word.
Rebecca: Lady Louise... Thank you! I’ll do my best!

Lucius: ......Serra. I am...a commoner.
Serra: ...What? No way!
Lucius: My father was a soldier for hire. He died...when I was three.
Serra: Ohh... Then... How did you live?
Lucius: My mother died shortly after of a wasting sickness. When she breathed her last... they took me in at the orphanage, where I spent several years...
Serra: In an orphanage...
Lucius: ...I-I’m sorry... I am certainly not what you expected at all...
Serra: ... ... ... ... ...
Lucius: Si-Sister Serra? Why are you crying so?
Serra: ...No... You don’t understand... I... I... I was raised in a convent.
Lucius: Oh...
Serra: ...Like you... I grew up... ...in a strange...sad place... ...I understand... what it was like... ...
Lucius: You are very kind...
Serra: ... ... ...
Lucius: Serra? Surely, we two, who have suffered so much, were meant to meet, destined by Saint Elimine. I am grateful to her for bringing you...to my side.
Serra: Ohh, Lucius, I, too, am grateful...


Eirika: I've been curious about something, L'Arachel... Why are you so obsessed with fighting monsters?
L'Arachel: ...My parents were kind people. I would be like them if I am able. My home of Rausten is so near to Darkling Woods. We experienced many sudden raids. My parents took it upon themselves to defend our people against the monsters.
Eirika: I had no idea...
L'Arachel: Yes, but my parents are gone now. I've been told that they passed away when I was but an infant. They...gave their lives defending many helpless people.
Eirika: I'm so sorry.
L'Arachel: Oh, you needn't be sad. I would not want for that. No, it's wonderful that they gave their lives battling that filth. I was so young that I do not remember their faces, if I must be honest. However, that does not diminish the pride I feel for what they've done.
Eirika: Don't you feel lonely at the loss of your parents?
L'Arachel: No! Not at all! What do you take me for? Some kind of weakling?
Eirika: No, I see that you are strong indeed, L'Arachel.
L'Arachel: I should say so. But...would you not say that you are strong, too, Eirika? Your father stayed in his castle, fighting the forces of Grado. He had a noble death, don't you think? Your father was a great man. You must be quite proud of him.
Eirika: Well...yes. He refused to take even one step in retreat from the advancing Grado soldiers. But still... I mean, I...I would have thought no less of him if he had fled. Even if he were no longer a brave king... Still... I would be happier if he were still alive.
L'Arachel: Eirika... I do understand you. Everyone would tell me of my parents' bravery, of their honor... But I will never see them. I will never know them for myself. Oh, what I would give if I could have met them...just once.
Eirika: L'Arachel...


(I'm just going to copypasta the Ike/Soren A Support. I'm so original ♥)

Ike: Hey, Soren.
Soren: ...
Ike: I've been thinking a lot about what you said the other day, and there's something I still don't understand. You survived. You're strong. Why would you feel insecure about who you are? Tell me. Tell me everything.
Soren: Curse you! Why can't you leave me be?! I don't have any friends, Ike! I don't have anyone else! If I tell you and you turn on me... I... I... I don't think I can survive it.
Ike: That's why you have to tell me, Soren. You'll never tell anyone else. And if you don't tell anyone, you're just going to keep suffering. Look at you! You're a mess! Come on. Talk to me.
Soren: Ike... I... I...
Ike: Soren, it's me! Trust me. I don't give two figs who your parents are! I'll stand by you.
Soren: Ike, I...sniff... No, I won't... ..sniff...Ah, Ike... ...I'm... Branded. I'm one of the Branded.
Ike: A Branded? What's that?
Soren: It's a cross between a beorc and a laguz. Such a taboo union violates every teaching of the goddess. And of society. We are untouchables. Abominations. Condemned to a life of hatred and shunning from both races.
Ike: Wait, wait. Hold it a second. Let me make sure that I follow you... You're part laguz?
Soren: Yeah. This mark on my forehead is the proof. I learned about it while researching ancient books at the Mainal Cathedral. I always thought it was a birthmark. Others thought that it was the mark of a Spirit Charmer.
Ike: What's a Spirit Charmer?
Soren: Magic comes from interaction with spirits. If you let one into your body, it will give you tremendous power...for a price. That's why the old sage was so interested in me. He thought I had struck such a deal. But instead, I was just a filthy Branded.
Ike: All right. I understand. So?
Soren: ...What do you mean, "so?"
Ike: So, you have laguz blood in your veins. So, you have a mark to prove it. So... What's the problem?
Soren: What's the problem...? Don't you find me repugnant!? I work beside you, eat beside you. I'm nothing! I don't belong anywhere! Doesn't that sicken you?
Ike: No. It doesn't change anything. You're still you, Soren! You're a capable officer of our army. And my friend. We can't keep going unless you are with us.
Soren: ...Ike... I thought... I thought you...
Ike: What?
Soren: It was Gallia. The sage lived in Gallia. A few beorcs had settled there and...
Ike: Gallia? Are you saying...
Soren: When the sage died, no one would help me. I couldn't speak. Couldn't find food. I was dying. You were the only one who helped. You and your father. That's why you're my friend. My...only friend.

I can't help but to wonder why the "You and your father" line was added in the English version. It always seemed so odd to me; almost as if he was comparing Ike to Greil, which just... it doesn't make any sense. I would assume Soren was grateful to Greil for allowing him to be a part of the mercenaries, yes, but he's always cared for Ike more than anyone else. So for him to even mention Greil at a time like that just feels out of place to me (and the hidden base convo in RD makes it seem even weirder, really, since it plainly points out that it was Ike who saved him, and not anybody else).

As for FE10 - there's really not much point in even quoting that moment here because it's so obvious. Lol I just have a major OTP bias I can't help it

fe7!elibe, 30 days of fe, magvel, quotes!!!, meme, tellius, fire emblem

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