6x05 The Rebel Flesh

May 21, 2011 19:38

I loved this episode. Like, really, REALLY loved it.

The focus on ethics and the sanctity of life and the Doctor being invested, and being caring, it was just so... after The Doctor's Wife, I was like "whelp, that was nice and nostalgic, guess it's back to Moffland next week" but in some ways, this felt even more like a Rusty-era episode than even that did.

If next week delivers, then this could be the Eleven era answer to Impossible Planet/Satan Pit. Not to get all Friends of the Ood on y'all, but just... Rory befriending ganger!Jennifer reminded me of the very best of Rose, and I am so in love with him, and so is Amy, and it's all just fantastically wonderful. Her kissing his burnt finger, and going after him, and being the one looking to him for a change... they finally feel like equals. Like husband and wife. In a way that they've never felt before.

And yes, I am a complete pansy and when ganger!Jen was all wibbly and said "My name is Jennifer Lucas. I'm not a factory part. I had toast for breakfast" my face got all crinkly and WHATEVER, IT WAS JUST A REALLY POWERFUL SCENE OKAY.

This is what Doctor Who is supposed to be about. No timey-wimey tricks. Just a solid story, chock full of emotion and meaning.

eleven, meta, the moff

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