Nov 30, 2010 18:28


What does this mean for you, my potential readers?

As it stands, Bakersfield is just a little over 50,000 words. The problem, however, is that I write things out of order-- so while most of the first episode is coherent, as the story goes on, things become more and more of a hot mess as my structure falls apart. By my estimate, if I wanted to turn what I currently have into a DRAFT, which you could read from start to finish with no gaps, it will probably take another 15-20k or so.

Because I'm about to launch into finals here at school, I'm going to put the project away for a little while. When I go back to it in a few weeks, I'm going to rearrange things, try and complete as many half-scenes as I can, and make bullet points to connect bits that I'm really too out of steam to knock out. I'll send that draft over to mylittlepwny, who will give me feedback and maybehopefully even write a few scenes of her own, if I can get her to. Then I'll take all of her material and turn the draft into an actual, proper story, something that I feel is complete. THEN I'll send it to marlenanargle for a regular old beta, which means editing for style rather than content, and we'll argue over word choices no one will ever even notice.

And THEN I will start posting. The original plan was that this would end up being broken into eight "episodes," but structurally, I just have no idea if that's going to work anymore. I don't have a clue how many parts it will be in when I post it.

So taking all of that into account, and considering that I want to write another Feeling Electric story before Christmas, my tentative January release plan seems a bit optimistic. That said, I promise you will all get to read Bakersfield at some point; I just don't know when.

In other news, my Film Production project is literally falling apart at the seams, and there's basically nothing I can do to stop it, and it's all incredibly stressful. sgja;oerigha;eogj.

real life, bakersfield

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