You guys are absolutely lovely. Thank you for the adorable gifs and kind words; they really did help a lot.
Currently, I am eating my feelings* (sadness tastes like parmesan and herb pita chips!) but in the meantime, I'll do another Top Five. Playing around in Paint Shop Pro is good for me.
As asked by
mylittlepwny, these are my
Top Five Crossover Ships
(in no particular order.)
1. Hero (ShakespeaRe-Told's Much Ado About Nothing) / The Tenth Doctor (Doctor Who)
Way back in the days of the
Butters Many Parsnips ficathon, I posted the prompt Hero/Ten: "I've never been good at weddings, either."
It remains sadly unfulfilled, which still bugs me.
Because the thing is, they make sense. She's so messed up over Claude by the end of that film, and after he loses Rose he-- canonically-- sees her everywhere. Every blond on the dance floor, you know? So meeting a girl like Hero... a girl so achingly similar to the person he lost he can practically taste her on his tongue... well.
It's just that they're so deliciously wrong for each other. They'd use each other because they can't be with the people they really want, and it would be terrible and fucked up and gorgeous.
And I want it.
2. Lilah Morgan (Angel) / The Master (Doctor Who)
Simm!Master is, like, the quintessential Wolfram & Hart client, and you just know that he and Lilah would have chemistry sizzling all over the damn place. She'd totally appreciate his devious mind... but would not tolerate his crazy for a single second. If he started going batshit on her, she'd just calmly shoot his kneecap or something, say "We'll reopen negotiations tomorrow," and walk out in her incredibly expensive shoes.
And he would think it was the hottest thing ever.
3. Dr. Horrible (Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog) / Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)
They're perfect for each other.
The reason Billy was so enamored of Penny was because she was a powerful, empathetic source for good in the everyday world. He's a supervillain, but not because he hates people-- because he loves them. "The world's a mess, and I just need to... rule it." He's a complete sociopath, of course, and he hasn't exactly mastered basic social interaction, but give him five minutes with Rose and he'd be head over heels.
Rose, on the other hand, is such a bleeding heart that she'd move heaven and earth for him, knowing there was good in him and that he could be a better person. Also, and obviously: she has a thing for dudes called Doctor.
4. Martha Jones (Doctor Who) / Riley Finn (Buffy: the Vampire Slayer)
awkward vertical graphic is awkward.
So, like. Martha and Riley are kind of the same person.
They're both the awkward middle child in a group of three who gets hated by a lot of fans for the complete wrong reason. They're both endlessly loyal and both secret paramilitary agents. Neither of them ended up with the person they wanted, but both ultimately marry someone who's perfect for them. They're both, in a weird way, 'the ones without powers.'
And frankly Freema and Marc are really, really hot together. WHAT I AM ALLOWED TO BE SHALLOW.
5. Winifred 'Fred' Burkle (Angel) / The Eleventh Doctor (Doctor Who)
oh god they're like the cutest people ever invented
Hokay. Imma parrot some stuff I've said to people (and by people I mostly mean
beingfacetious) and then we'll get to Fred.
I've been thinking about it, and... in, like, a season or two? I think I'd be ready for the Doctor to fall in love again. I think the Doctor would be ready for the Doctor to fall in love again. (As long as the female in question meets my exacting standards and is portrayed fairly, which isn't a guarantee with the Moff.) Rose has Cloen now, and it wouldn't be fair of us, as people who love the Doctor, to want or expect him to pine forever. He should be allowed to move on.
As long as it's NOT with River.
And it's even for (mostly) non-Rose reasons! Although Matt and Alex have a TON more chemistry than David and Alex did, I just can't see them going that way. I really love River as being someone elusive and reliable and badass-- trustworthy but not to be trusted. As a dynamic figure in his life, she's awesome: it's really handy to have someone willing to shoot a gun when he won't, and fly the TARDIS when he can't. But I also can't imagine him falling in love with that kind of person. You know?
Especially after such a firecracker as Amy, I'd love for his next companion-- his next love interest-- to be a little sweeter; a little more shy. Not so much of a Gryffindor at first. Like... a lot of his story with Donna was helping her self-esteem. But because she compensated for it by being loud and obnoxious, and particularly because of how her story ended, we could revisit that with another companion without it seeming like a rehash. To a certain extent, we revisit that with every companion. But I think that would play particularly well against Matty's interpretation of the Doctor.
And Fred Burkle is that girl all over. Just look at how Angel found her, in Pylea-- "Handsome man saved me from the monsters." She was incredibly smart and strong to survive as she had there, but when brought back to the real world she was nervous and twitchy and broken. But by the end of the series, she'd grown back up into a smart, capable woman. Not to mention, Fred is a physicist and would LOVE the TARDIS. She's always building gadgets and stuff-- she and Eleven would never run out of things to talk about. They'd be adorable. ("Pancake kiss!")
Angel s5 spoiler-y statement, highlight to read: also, Illyria would make the best Doctor Who villain EVER.
So, yeah. Those are my five.
Oh god making all of these graphics has made me want to use my tumblr more. ABORT! ABORT!
* sad but true: I had to look at a lot of pictures of Billie Piper in order to make this thing, and looking at them honestly cheered me up. I think I need a twelve step program of some kind.