About ready to crash, but so it goes. It's Thursday and I'm still not fully recovered, but feel much better than I had been. I go to the doctor again tomorrow, because I may have fractured a rib and I'm in a considerable amount of pain when I, you know, breathe. I know there's not much they can do for me if I HAVE hurt my rib, but it's good to know so I don't do things to aggravate it.
I subbed in the Museum today and the king snake shed for the kids, so that was pretty rockin' to watch. I'm keeping the skin, so I've been walking around with a six foot king snake skin all day.
Speaking of science, some interesting articles:
http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/19/science/19carb.html?_r=1&ref=science&oref=slogin "There is, however, a major caveat that explains why no one has built a carbon-dioxide-to-gasoline factory: it requires a great deal of energy.
"To deal with that problem, the Los Alamos scientists say they have developed a number of innovations, including a new electrochemical process for detaching the carbon dioxide after it has been absorbed into the potassium carbonate solution. The process has been tested in Dr. Kubic’s garage, in a simple apparatus that looks like mutant Tupperware. "
http://www.nytimes.com/2008/02/19/science/18frog.html?ref=science "The geophysical twist comes from Dr. Evans’s and Dr. Jones’s conclusions about Beelzeebufo’s genealogy. Its closest living relatives today live not in Madagascar or even Africa but in South America, a group known as Pac-Man frogs, because their wide mouths, big stomachs and voracious predatory appetites draw comparison to the 1980s video game.
"The female Beelzebufos were “lady Pac-Man frogs, on steroids,” Dr. Krause said."
I like the idea of a frog named "Beelzebufo".