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Each Level generally consists of spellcards from two different characters, although on a few stages there are more. Today, with 1-2, we shall meet a new character!
Scene 1-2
Youkai of the Dusk
Species: Youkai
Origin: Embodiment of Scarlet Devil (Stage 1 boss)
Rumia is a simple and not-too-impressive youkai with the ability to manipulate darkness. She doesn't have much plot significance anywhere, and shows up only as a throwaway boss on stage 1.
Fun Facts:
- First boss in a windows Touhou game ever!
- Despite controlling darkness, she cannot see in the dark!
- Fans theorize that taking off the ribbon unseals her true powers!
Rumia's not that exciting to fight here - at first, her attack pattern is little more than big, wide waves of green bullets and little circles. So, I'll take this time to talk about scoring a little!
In the above screenshot, I have just claimed a picture, scoring a paltry 5080 points - nothing worth writing home about, but this is only scene 1-2, so we'll take it. In the upper left, you can see two of the many possible bonuses that can increase the overall value of your picture:
Boss Shot: The boss is in the picture. This is a necessary condition for the picture to be saved at all, but you still get a bonus for it. Ranges from x1.2 to x2.0, depending on how close the boss is to the center of the photo - here I had her nicely framed, so I get the full x2 bonus.
Nice Shot: Every boss has one point in their attack pattern where a red magic circle flashes around them for a moment. If you manage to get this in the picture, you get a bonus - and looking at the picture in the lower left, I clearly did! Bonus is x1.2 to x1.5, depending on the size of the circle captured.
Rumia's attack here gets a bit meaner, but not any more interesting, so I dispatched the rest of it without explanation. After all, this isn't an actual Spell Card, just basic danmaku.
Aya's Notes, Chapter 1-2:
There was something in the darkness.
I didn't know what it was, so I used a strobe light to photograph
it ... but, I wonder who it was?
Next time: Spell Card!