Legal Eagle Wannabe

May 19, 2009 22:37

I was going to write about the season finale of 'Lost' but I want to rewatch it before I do. Come to think of it I should maybe get seasons 1-5 and rewatch them during a marathon session before the 6th season in Jan '10. I don't feel like writing about GH again because I just wrote my say yesterday. I was hoping for more comments but LiveJournal is hit or miss in the communities. I like LJ as a blogging venue in general and there are some interesting blogs and a few decent communities but GH and OLTL are pretty low key. I have been pondering whether to join Facebook or not as I hear their boards/groups are pretty vibrant. The part of me who is lonely and w/o friends remains reluctant because isn't that the core reason for joining a social networking site? Because you're friends are already on it and they can connect you with more friends. I realize that there is the argument that joining a social networking site offers one such as myself the opportunity to make friends. That's what I was hoping for on LJ but it hasn't happened yet. I suppose I need to delve more into other communities and check out more blogs in which I can be an active participant before I fully make a judgment. Not joining Facebook because I don't know people on the site yet isn't really the best argument because there's no actual knowing whether or not I might develop some unless I join. I'll keep it on my “to do” list as part of my broad self improvement goal. For now I should be content that I have been posting more consistently on a regular basis is that small thing is but one step toward that goal. Another task toward that goal is to make it my every intention to be in bed and at least reading by 11:00pm (edit: I spent too much time thinking of a witty title so now I have to make that 11:30 tonight) which gives me a few more minutes.

This week at work sucks bad because of the GD SCIP class. Thank God I only have one more day of that crap which is still one day too many. I am backing up with work and and that's 12 hours I could be getting things done rather than listening to a high school lecture about working with DD folks. And I'm not being crass as it really only requires a HS diploma to work for any agency that provides services for DD people. Granted there is a lot of training at least from my current employer but it's still not a course you would take to receive college credit. I do realize that some jobs such as mine which are a bit more complex require a college degree but I still argue that it is not encompassing of the 4 years I spent studying and honing my knowledge in all things psychology. Which reminds me that I need to start planning on paying down what I owe MCC so I can go back and finish the course in paralegal work so I can get my certificate and grab a much better job more worthy of my education. I really think that paralegal work is a field in which the employment opportunities and jobs in the area far outweigh the educational requirements involved. Also, I really really do not want to spend another 5 years working with DD people. Some people may think I'm selfish or self centered because of that. I say I am quite self aware of my limitations and another 5 years in the field would not be healthy for me. The hope is that I will remain aware of this more consciously and thus be able to take the necessary steps to work toward a career transition that I believe I am quite ready for. Putting things in words and posting in this journal allows me to keep that awareness more front and center than subconscious. So though I may not be making a bunch of friends I am working on that self improvement stuff which may in turn allow me more opportunities to work toward making friends in the not too distant future. So good for me as I give myself an imaginary pat on the back by working on something meaningful and hopefully fruitful. Now I'm getting sleepy and give myself one more pat for avoiding caffeinated pop (but a boo for getting to bed after 11:00).

facebook, lost, work, tv

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