Another Day In The Life

Jun 01, 2011 23:17

Getting Back On The Horse
(getting back to posting, now with the occasional subtitle)

I’m going to make this as quick as possible seeing as it’s late and I have to get to two more discs of Dr. Who S2 so they can go in the mail tomorrow and seeing as Netflix too forever and day to get them to me.

Quick recap for the day:
Woke up late because I was tired as I have been for a while because I’m not getting any sleep. Drove to pick up Dad and his wife and took them to Dad’s doctor’s appointment with his primary. He is still relatively healthy all things considered (all things taking up most of the month of May in which some big things happened but I did not post about). Took them on some errands and to Burger King for lunch. Took them home and helped install new answering machine which turned into a huge ordeal and which is actually not yet completed.

After another day with them - too many in fact, love my dad and his wife but seriously, too many days - I went to yet another (used) book store and spent a while browsing and bought 4 more books which makes about 50 books I have sitting around waiting to be read. I will get back to why this has occurred later (and make a detailed list of what books I have to keep track of them on here and of course on Goodreads which I joined recently).

I came home and did some odds and ends but still not what I needed to get done. I am too worn out from, well, all the time I have spent with dad and the wife frankly. It’s like a full time job and when I had a job I would come home and be too tired to do much of anything. I can’t rant about this now because I really want to get to watching Dr. Who and if I don’t stop now I might not be able to.

Watched the new show Franklin & Bash on TNT. It’s actually pretty awesome and will be added to my summer TV watching list (which will probably get longer in coming weeks).

OLTL had it’s awesome, it’s depressing and it’s nonsensical. I do not want it to end though. Damn Disney and ABC! Damn you!

OK that was a good 10 minutes and a decent recap. And now for Dr. Who.

P.S. Yes I will make it yet another point to post regularly again. I missed so much last month and as tired as I was talking to myself this is still an important task for me.
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