Semper Fi

Jan 24, 2011 00:57

Thurs 1/20 I can’t recall anything of significance

Friday 1/21 I remember waking up early (for me) and heading out to lunch w/my friend Sa. It took me about 1/2 hour to get out to the suburb which was OK but there and back took me about a quarter tank of gas. She is my oldest and dearest friend though so I would do it all the time though we really only see each other 2 - 3 times/year. We went to The Distillery. I had a veggie wrap which was ok but not great so I only ate half and chucked the other half when I got home. Conversation was fun as always but I really need to do something about my HA. At one point cutting out most of my friends and social contacts was worth it but I am getting to a point where I need to replenish them but that’s that is the horse and my HA is the cart so I need to somehow address that issue first.

Sat 1/22 was only a tad eventful. Ham was home for the weekend so it was less than quiet. She was pretty much off the wall more so than usual though. Could be she just isn’t used to being home here all day though I don’t know what she does at her dad’s. We finally had fish yesterday for dinner instead of chicken or pasta or the god awful enchilada’s Chef makes (mostly thanks to the tortilla wraps that taste like crap). My nephew the (former) Jarhead came over for dinner. Of all the immediate members of my family I’d say he has the most going for him. A military career on his resume. Lived in CA during his stint. He’s back home now living in my sister’s boyfriend’s mansion and going to school on Uncle Sam’s dime. Optimistic. Fun. Loves to laugh and joke. Popular. Young. Handsome (def the best looking male/descendant of my father. I know a few of my cousins lucked out in that dept where as my dad, my bros and the other 2 nephews are pretty mediocre). Most of the rest of my family - males & females - are pretty screwed up. Jarhead seems quite the opposite. Yes I am jealous.

Sunday 1/23 was a bust in as far as I go absolutely no cleaning done whatsoever and my room is a mess. Sundays are supposed to be cleaning days too but it will have to be Monday for this week’s purposes. I got up late again because lately I just do not want to get out of my bed no matter when I wake up. I really want winter to be over. It’s been so cold and snowy and depressing here and my energy factor is way too low even w/the amount of soda I drink. I did accomplish one thing. I sold Sis’ old kitchen dinette set in record time on Cragslist. My first successful sale on there. Somehow I forgot how to use some basic email functions in the process but that’s easily remedied. I will be posting Sis’ hutch next though I have a feeling that will not go as fast. Ham was wild again today. From the moment I went upstairs she was all over me. I love her dearly but man she takes a lot out of me. From running all over the now roomy kitchen/living area to tossing balloons all over the place to playing horse whereby she hops on my back and has me going all over the family room on my knees. When her mom comes home of course she’s all quiet and watching TV. Dinner was extra late and I spent most of the whole day upstairs which is partly why I got nothing done down in my room. I didn’t even really watch any TV outside of H-50.

I took two sleeping pills albeit much later than I intended (just before 12:00 midnight). I am hoping that I nod off before long and that I get just enough sleep to wake up at a not wholly unreasonable time especially seeing as I really do have a ton of shit to do and Sis will be home (she has off for the next 3 days for her B-day which is Tues).

Now I am going to watch a movie again hoping zonk out pretty fast.
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