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Dec 04, 2005 03:23

similar wierdness

this is wierd because i started thinking of a senerio and then after i wrote it i realized i have already written something like it. i have had this thought before.the first one si the first written the next one is the one from the plane...

when i dream
sometimes i dream about a day when all the air disappears and thousands beyong billions of people gasp for breath and scream because they are slowly dieing. and then i wake up. and i realize no one has died. no one is gasping for air, yet i still lay there, choking myself.this is me in my prime. i want nothing more than want i need. water, food, air, purpose...possibly. I need something. maybe it is purpose. if you asked yourself why you are here you might get disappointed in the true answer. I am here because my parents partaked in sin, i am here because of enjoyment, same as all of you. running to the other side of the world. and yet not far enough gone.

This annual parade
In a crowded parade of empty soulsour eyes meet. Are you a tragedy of hope and founder of regret? This world was quickly silenced with the explosion of their sun, here we stand in darkness. The cold grows intense, first air excapes the atmosphere, you choke on your breathe until you realize you never needed to breath at all. The ground turns to ice and your body falls numb. the blackness follows, you go from darkness to a vision fo your past life, pathetic and hsameful. The theme goes on to your first love, known only as The Lost. Broken, your train of thought as soon as your mind goes blank, your bones crack and you no longer can move. The last thought of your life is a face, full of tears, she meant nothing in that frame. you cant force a prettier memory forward and you are stunk to the earth. Your soul is paraded throught society so they can see the expression of dissappointment on your face. This parade is in honor of you. Enjoy the cheers, all the cry at my expence.laugh. This is in honor of you. the entertainment was never meant for your enjoyment, the only one these tears were meant for was the one not looking,

pretty wierd how i can up with the senerio twice.. i like it tho
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