May 18, 2004 08:07

probably cause i didnt go to school. score. i went to my moms graduation in stead. can u say free day. i can klike this f....r...e...... aw hell im retarded lol. i got home and slept which was good thn i copied music on to my comp and thn listen to music. I played socom last night. im still un stopable. dont kid ur self u cant beat me. and thts basically it. didnt c lil sar cause i wasnt it school but u cant win em all so but theirs always tomorrow :) yea im a loser so blow me. LOL jk

i dont have a quote from a song persay but its in a song. the band is Taking Back Sunday and the songs called New #1:

A beautiful girl can make you dizzy. Like you been drinkin jack and coke all morning. She can make you feel high. For the single greatset commodity known to man. Promise. Promise of a better day. Promise of a greater hope. Promise of a new tomorrow. This perticular ore, can be found in the gade of a beautiful girl. In her smile and in her soul. And the way she makes every rotten little thing about life seem like its gonna be ok.

thts the best quote ive ever had. very cool

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