
Jun 08, 2009 20:11

Character: Labrador
Series: 07-Ghost
Character Age: Unknown, looks maybe 18-20ish
Canon: When Teito, an amnesiac former slave, suddenly regains a piece of his memories, his life is quickly turned upside down. He quickly finds himself on a quest to learn both the truth of his past and combat the greatest evil the world has known, down a path lined with secrets, sorrow, revenge, and repentance.

One of Teito's first stops is the church in Barsburg, where he soon meets and befriends several bishops, Labrador among them. Labrador is gentle and kind-hearted, fond of gardening and seeming to have a special affinity with plants, at times even conversing with them. Though often quiet, he's hardly shy, merely polite and perhaps a little aloof. He's also prone to having premonitions, his prophecies tending toward a typically unerring accuracy. But mostly he's just a truly good-natured young bishop who wouldn't even wish his worst enemy to come to harm.

Sample Post: Ah, more tea, Gorilla-kun? No, it's no trouble at all, I'm glad that you like it. I was a little worried that I couldn't find the right herbs here, but I managed to make do somehow, even if it took some time to be sure it came out right. It wouldn't do to use the wrong herbs and accidentally brew something that could knock you out, after all. Besides, it's the least I could do after all the trouble you went through to try to help me, even if you didn't have to. I'm sure that tree was just trying to be friendly. But I want to thank you for your help, anyway, so please, enjoy.

Oh, and of course, you showed me which way to go to get to the camp, too. I was a little worried... it didn't seem like this was the right way at all. I was sure that the others were at a strange "camp" somewhere, but I didn't think it would be in the middle of a swamp... Although, this forboding feeling, like being watched by someone wherever I go... surely this must be the right place after all. Even so, this place is surprising. There are so many interesting new plants I've never seen before, all in one place. It's almost as though they were planted here, perhaps the person in charge of this place meant it to be like a bit garden... And they're all so affectionate, too. If the plants are this friendly to everyone, surely this can't be so bad a place after all.

It must be difficult for you, though, helping to take care of so many children here. Making sure everyone gets to their meals on time, and even waking them up each morning... it sounds like quite the ordeal. But I'm sure you always try your best, Gorilla-kun, so all your hard work must be appreciated. ...oh dear, it seems we're out of tea. If you wait a moment, I could make... ah, you have to leave now? It was very nice talking with you, but please, don't let me keep you. I hope your duties go well, and may God be with yo-

-!! Ah! Wait, Gorilla-kun! It's dangerous there! If you go that way, you- Ah, it caught him... Please wait, Gorilla-kun, I'll help you. Say, you ivy there, it's good that you want to make friends, but you really shouldn't grab on to people if they don't want to. It really isn't a very nice thing to do, and anyway, Gorilla-kun has a lot work to do, so could you please let him go?

Ah... No... Even if you do care for him, I don't think that's what it means for you to never let him down.

((Voting here!))


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