with a few more shots of me dressed as Lupin and a quickie summary of my werewolf paper, over at
moonyprof (for those of you who don't have me friended over there.) And for those of you who would rather not, here are a few of my thoughts on slash:
I *did* get to "Slash as Social Justice," moderated by
april_lirit , and it was an interesting conversation. I know when I first read about slash must have been back in the early 90s, and my first thought was "what is this 'slash' stuff and where can I find some more of it?" And I enjoyed it. It's a little known fact, but when you get your PhD in English, they take you out back and suck all the fun out of you and install a permanent overthinking machine that trips into guilt at the slightest movement. And sometimes I worry that slash is exploitative. I suppose you can't do much about this. You can't exactly go up to someone and say--
Moonyprof: Excuse me, what's that you're reading?
Fangurl: I'm reading about Remi and Siri!!111!! star heart unicorn. See Remi's a werewolf, which makes him a girl! (other cliches omitted for the sake of my stomach)
Moonyprof: Well, that's nice, I suppose, then you'll be supporting equal marriage and full civil rights and all the good stuff.
Fangurl: Oh, no, real gay people don't interest me, and two girls! Well, that's gross!
Moonyprof: I'm sorry, young lady. I am impounding your slash.
Fangurl: !!
Moonyprof: You can have it back when you've thought this through.
Fangurl: BAWWWWW!
A girl can dream, can't she?