In case you missed it. . .

Jul 05, 2009 00:52

 While I was at home visiting my family, I caught the Radio and TV Correspondents' Dinner.  The speaker was John Hodgman.  And he made his "talk" on the culture of Jocks vs.  Nerds, boldly calling into question the current President's Nerd credentials.

Since almost everyone who reads this is a computer gamer or a gamer, tout court, or an elitist snob who uses phrases like tout court, or collects comic books or reads sci fi/fantasy, and all of you are reading a BLOG, I will go out on a limb here and suggest that most of you are Nerds.  (I will not ask how many of you also pack an inhaler.)  So I thought many of you might find his speech inspiring.

image Click to view

I'm still being sluggish about Sim playing and commenting, partly because I am busy doing other nerdly activities, such as fooling with stereo equipment and writing papers about werewolves.

political humor

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