And it's yet more CheesePie! Because I don't have grading to do, no ma'am!

Mar 03, 2014 18:44

And it's a Hearts and Hooves Day fic, and it's totally unlike all those other ones that popped up on FiMFiction in the last day or two, I promise. Specially written for a contest on DeviantArt, this spectacularly original idea contains nothing you wouldn't show your gramma!

Party Of Two

BUT WAIT!  Because you have trekked over to my personal blog and gone to all that trouble, there is BONUS picnic CheesePie from a collab thread! I can totally steal from myself, right?

Someday I need to commission a picture of Cheese in that hat.  I always imagine him with a flotilla of hats, but with a Flim and Flam style straw hat for preference. And I have a Wind in the Willows-ish weakness for picnics with gentlemen wearing boaters.

[Spoiler (click to open)]
“Picnic parties,” said Cheese Sandwich, sprawling on his back on a blue-checked blanket, “are harder than they look.”

“I know, I know!” spluttered Pinkie Pie, with her mouth full of cake. She swallowed, and then went on, “I mean my friend Fluttershy, right before Dash’s party was all ‘I love a nice picnic party,’ just because I said that parties were no picnic ---“

“Yeah! I was there, remember? Even picnic parties are no picnic! There’s no dance floor---“

“And you have to get all the food there-"

“And there’s the bugs-“

“And the bears!  I know!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed, finishing their mutual sentence. “Of course, it’s a lot easier,” she admitted, rolling a little closer to him on the blanket, “if you don’t invite anypony else.”

“Uh-huh,” murmured Cheese, pulling his straw hat over his eyes. As far as he was concerned, even the hardest partying polka party ponies deserved the occasional picnic party that was strictly private, even the pink party ponies.  Especially the pink party ponies, and most especially this pink party pony, whom he didn’t get to see as much as he wanted to. The sun was warm, he was full of cake, and he could feel how close she was. That high sweet voice, like a handful of holiday bells, was jingling on and on and on, and it was so soothing.  He could listen to it forever, although of course he couldn’t.

What were the odds that he’d meet her again after all this time, and she would turn out to be so sensible and clever, and even better at parties than he was, not to mention very pink and squeezable? He was feeling pretty satisfied with himself, because there could only ever be one Pinkie Pie, and he had her - at least, right now. And he was pretty sure - at least, he was very nearly pretty sure --- anyway, she was the only Pinkie and she was here and that was all that mattered.

“---and then a herd of me ran right through Fluttershy’s picnic and it was all ruined, but she’s a good friend and she always forgives me when I do silly things like that, and anyway, I wasn’t there and couldn’t stop myselves.”

Wait a second. He lifted his hat off his eyes so he could look at her. “Myselves?”

“Oh, right, I didn’t tell you about the time I wanted to spend time with all my friends, and there wasn’t enough of me to go around, so I went to a mirror pool and got a whole lot more of me and me went abso-toot-lutely loco-cakes around Ponyville, including Fluttershy’s nice picnic, but she was great about it and now I don’t need to make a lot more of myself again because somehow I don’t feel as lonely anymore.”

“And how many of you were there?” he asked carefully.

“Oh,” said Pinkie Pie, “about sixteen or twenty.”

Cheese’s jaw dropped.  Twenty Pinkie Pies. Twenty . . . Pinkie  . . . Pies.

“You ok, Cheesie?”  Pinkie Pie waved her hoof in front of his face.  “Cheesie?”


Fanfiction, I tell you.  Keeps you young.  And keeps me off the horrible irony that I am so sick that I could no more eat a real cheese pie or a quiche than I could personally fly to the moon.

ponies, fanfiction, silliness, pink, shipping

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