Kinda whackdoodle theory. Spoilers for S4E12, Pinkie Pride, and Equestria Girls 2, Rainbow Rocks

Feb 01, 2014 13:30

So, this is something I was thinking earlier, and because I like to share wild theories, here it is:

EDITED: As of 2/13/2014, the new Equestria Girls movie, Rainbow Rocks, has been confirmed.  You can find a followup to this entry here. That one is spoilery up through S4E13, Simple Ways.

[Spoilers OMG]I'm assuming a bunch of you know that there will maybe/probably be a second Equestria Girls movie, called Rainbow Rocks, with a Battle of the Bands storyline.  There's been the new line of dolls, called Rainbow Rocks, and a report from the London Toy Fair that there's a BIG rollout of stuff, supposedly related to the movie (account here).  There's a book listed on Amazon. Basically, I'm ok with this, not that Hasbro calls me and asks me for my opinion.

I've also been noting lots of little shippy hints this season.  Daring Don't had what maybe was a hinty bit, though it might have been a toss-away joke.  Two weeks ago we got what really seemed hints at Soarin/Dash and Bulk/Shy.  That last ship does absolutely nothing for me. I'm sorry, but it doesn't.  But whether I like it or not, I thought it was there right under the surface. Thank Celestia, Dash's response to "you're the best, Rainbow Dash!" was "pshhh, YEAH, I'm the best!"

Last week we got a walk-on by Flash Sentry.  I know they SAID it was all the storyboard artists, had nothing to do with it, just an animator's gag. . . but still, it was Flash Sentry shooting an amused and almost flirtatious glance at Twilight.

Now there was this week.  And the Cheese/Pie hints were barely even hints.  I would have picked up on it when I was five years old.  Of course, Cheese Sandwich literally, and conveniently, strolled off into the sunset, so he isn't going to be around gumming up the works, but still --

And it's possible there will be more of this later.

So here's my whacky theory.  What if they're prepping the ground for all of the Mane Six to have boyfriends or crushes in the new movie?  Maybe they'll figure into the Battle of the Bands plotline.  Maybe these are even the ones that will be in the movie--a football hunk for Fluttershy, a fellow jock for Rainbow Dash, a competing party planner --or a nerd--for Pinkie? And of course, Flash Sentry. Who is a guitarist, remember.

Brony fodder/fan pandering?  No, I don't think so.  Considering how negatively many people reacted to "Brad," I don't think this is for the adult fans at all, and besides, you know how strongly people would feel about their waifus or their OCs.  I think it would be hard to dodge the bullet of teenage romance forever if they keep doing high school movies, though. Besides, that ship has sailed, so to speak.  There's already romance in that universe.

I'm not advocating for romance in EG, and certainly not in the main show.  I like not to mix romance with my ponies, thanks. And I don't ship ponies. [Insert Dos Equis voice here: "but when I do, I ship FlutterDash." And no, I do NOT want that to be canon.]

If that's what happens, Sparity will be out.  Because he's a puppy.  That's what I think in the real show, actually.  I didn't like "Brad," but mostly it was because he was so generic.  I remember literally smacking my palm into my face in the cafeteria scene, muttering, "of COURSE he plays the guitar." I might be cooler with it if they developed him a bit more.

And if they actually managed to get Weird Al for Cheese Sandwich?  I mean, they never will, but --- I'd be more than ok with that one.

/end whacky spoilery theory.

movies, ponies, television, shipping

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