OK, now THIS is a politics post

May 30, 2012 22:14

*tap tap* Is this thing on? AHEM.  Candidates running in my district?


I am not kidding.  I am getting blizzarded in flyers and mailers, and it's not just "Vote for me!" "No, vote for me!"  It's not even "Here's why you shouldn't vote for her!" [Paid for by Americans for a Better Tomorrow Tomorrow.]  It is all "WHAT IS SHE HIDING?!!??"  and "HE WILL SPEND MILLIONS OF DOLLARS!!!!111!!" and I have no clue who the hell is sending this stuff or who gave the money or anything.

They are calling me at home.  Not volunteers.  They are personally calling me at home because I was on a vote by mail list, which they had the day after I requested a ballot.  I want a restraining order.

Finally, I said "a plague on both your houses" and voted for the other guy.  Hey, he is the son of the actress who played the popular character RHODA!--so you know he can't be that bad, right?

I try really, really hard to be a good citizen, and I often don't enjoy doing my homework and voting in every single boring election, but I do it anyway, maybe because I was a Brownie in first grade, I don't know.  But at this point I have no freaking clue what is going on, and it will only get worse from here, because everyone has so damned much money and they are spending all of it.

Come join me in the fallout shelter until November.  I am laying in a year's supply of bite-sized Snickers.  Bring alcohol.

Only one more thing to say here--

Voet Derpy by ~Equestria-Election on deviantART

It's grading season. I'm a little unglued.

ponies, politics

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