I'm happy to say that I've hacked away at this a bit, though it still might not happen right away. I'd like to get this squared away before I make some major computer changes. So far--
1. I have an outline
2. I'm about halfway through sorting and I've worked out how many slides per story segment I can use (I'll split it if I've got to)
3. I have created a new TS2 Sim for use in the epilogue/framing device: Laurence Weston, who's appeared in some of the Lytton stories. Houston, we have crossover.
4. I am hoping I can dupe Slideshare into letting me upload. Yeah, I know there's a way to reduce file size for Macs, but it's a huge PITA.
Some outakes/teasers:
I know! You're shocked, too, right?
I call this one "Cecil contemplating marriage."
So no, I have not abandoned SC Ren, and I'm even feeling a smidge better with my wrist. Either that, or I'm getting used to some discomfort.
Progress! I feel so proud.