I'd like to play, but I truly have to force myself to stay away from the computer. I'm at the "grade myself silly" point, plus I had a big paper to write myself. And then someone asked me for yet another revise on something and he wants it two days ago. (No, that is not an exaggeration. He says the printer wants everything on the 3rd.)
I went for a massage this morning and now my hands hurt, but believe it or not, that's a GOOD thing. The muscles in my face and head were so tight I couldn't sleep. She did a great job loosening everything up and when she was finished I fell asleep right on the table. It was worth every dime.
I downloaded Sims 3 for the iPhone, and at least at seven dollars I can't say it was a waste of a lot of money, but I don't think it's that exciting. I was wondering why I had the option to play a Sim who choked on a pretzel and died in a meeting, but I guess I saved earlier. Not sure. I probably am not going to spend a lot of time fooling around with extremely tiny people doing very tedious things. I think it's more something to do when you're standing in line or trying to fall asleep.
The real reason I wanted to try it was that I'd been really curious about The Sims Medieval. For some reason, I thought it was an EP for Sims 3, and I wasn't that excited about that. I didn't want to have to pay for the base game and endless EPs plus more Stuff, just so I could get what I thought would be a Medieval stuff pack.
But it looks as though it is its own new base game, and that makes it more interesting to me.
There's already plenty of medieval Sims 2 CC out there. I mean, geez, Almighty Hat on her own has practically created a whole medieval default GAME that has the advantage of actually being medieval. "Medieval" this really ain't. I can practically hear the shrieks of laughter from our department Chaucerian. This looks like it has about as much to do with the Middle Ages as Renaissance fairs have to do with the Renaissance (with refreshments provided by Lord Pepsi.)
It certainly isn't going to have anything near the kind of accuracy or detail or integrity that the historical legacies I follow do. Here goes a totally gratuitous pimp for
leilia 's new Vaulting Ambitions Tudor Legacy, plus
dumdeedumdumdum 's Lords of the Isles, and . . . I'm going to stop because I will leave too many people out. It just looks sort of fun.
I doubt you could create any real kind of story with it; certainly not a legacy because while you can create a kid, the kids are perma-kids a la Sims 1. Despite all this, I'm tempted anyway. It looks silly and goofy and like something you could play just to play it. And I have to admit that I've even thought of a way that I could use it for an idea I've had in the back of my head anyway. I mean, I do have a certain somewhat notorious character with time on his hands now.
I'd be curious to find out if anyone else is tempted by Sims Medieval. Is anyone going to download it or buy it?