"Last week two female Jewish students told me they are in a required comparative-literature class that mandates they attend one of a list of lectures to earn a grade higher than a B. One of the lectures, “
Feminist and Queer Solidarities With Palestine,” is scheduled for Feb. 11, sponsored by the Gender and Women’s Studies Department, and moderated by Paola Bacchetta, the department’s vice-chairman of research. Here is the abstract:
“Some of the more important accomplishments of feminism include the insistence on ‘believing women’ who come forward with accusations of sexual assault, and the awareness of increased sexual violence during militarized conflicts. Yet these achievements are currently being turned against real feminist concerns in Palestine. This talk will look at how Zionism has weaponized feminism, so as to serve Israel’s genocidal intent, by upholding debunked accusations of systematic Hamas mass assault, while ignoring documented reports of Israeli abuses.”"