Tales of the moron

May 25, 2010 13:37

Sitting in the theatre on my lunch break, seriously wondering if actors are born with some kind of... idk, defective gene or something that makes them act so bizarrely.

The warm ups are mad, I almost got kicked in the face twice and they're just so SERIOUS about being true to a bunch of shite. Gah, sorry, not usually this annoyed, but sometimes actors treat the techies like a sub-standard species and it gets to me.

However, in better news, I've applied for a bunch of technical jobs in schools this coming september, maybe teaching what I know =)


And here is the next episode in : THE TALES OF THE DUMBASS CALLED ENA!

Once upon a time there was a girl called Ena. She shaved her legs so that she could wear shorts as the weather is getting very very warm. She did not realise she had cut herself with the razor near the top of her inner thigh.

She put on some lovely cream coloured shorts... and was only aware she had cut herself shaving when some embarrassed but kind woman offered her a tampon thinking she was staining her shorts because of her monthly friend.

Thus Ena is now embarrassed, and having to explain to everyone she CUT HER LEG WHILE SHAVING.


The End
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