(no subject)

May 10, 2010 19:20

Mehhh, do you ever have one of those days where all your insecurities just rise to the surface? And often about the stupidest things, as well. Yesterday night and today have been just that.

See now, logically I can tell myself I'm being a fool, and that people get busy and it doesn't mean anything. Lmfao, I get busy enough myself and flake out.

I guess it's just that until about two weeks ago, there were a few friends who I rp'd with a lot - if I wasn't asking them for something, they were asking me. Now it's just me that asks them, and more often than not they're reluctant or say YAY LETS and then immediately get called afk, or get super busy.

I know, I know. Crai moar.

I guess I'm just worried I'm bothering them. My biggest fear online is that the people I chat to or rp with, will realise I'm not worth their time and they could be spending it with better and cooler people.

It's just my own insecurities and I need to get over them.

This entry had no real purpose but to get that out of my mind, so I can potentially see how childish and stupid these fears are.
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