Ave Maria

Nov 23, 2009 18:20

This entry is under an lj cut because it's pointless whining about fuck all. Feel free to skip past it.

I like to hope I always try to be nice when I'm meeting new people, because I know I'm nervous about it so I'd think they make the same effort with me. Not going into details, because I don't want to hurt the parties involved, but that wasn't so recently and I was quite hurt by a player I had only recently met. I now feel uncomfortable to play in that community and even uncomfortable playing the character I do in general, just in case it upsets them further.

I know, over-reaction much. I'm just unused to upsetting people and it's really bothered me that I have.

I think I'm a little irrational because of being groggy and shit, and I was definitely over-emotional when it happened because of lack of sleep.

I just needed a mini rant (which, lol, so vague) and I don't want to hurt the other people involved any more by letting them know how much it's affected my confidence in this character. I'll get over it, I just have to tell myself to stfu being a whiny bitch.

Okay, shutting up now.

In other news. THANK-YOU, EM! ♥ Paid time for Byakuya for Christmas, ilu.

em, stfu ena, roleplay, christmas

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