Another K4 fic >>;

May 27, 2009 18:19

Hey all, another K4 inspired story in celebration of our first mention at roleplaysecrets.

Title: Shattered Promises
Disclaimer: I do not own Bleach, or this AU - so I own nothing, at all. ;___;

Shattered Promises

From the moment his baby brothers were placed in his arms, Kurosaki Kaien knew why he'd been born. Some people were placed on the earth to become great doctors, politicians or inventors; Kaien was there to care for the two tiny snuffling bundles in his mother's arms.

He didn't even notice the small shock of brilliant orange hair, or the ghost-white caste to the other's skin, which marked them as different - all he heard were twin cries that told him that, no matter what anyone else said, they were fighters.

Holding one and then the other, small five-year-old arms not strong or large enough to hold both, he whispered the same thing to each in turn.

"I love you, otouto. And I promise I will always be here to take care of you."

A year later, and he was able to make the same promise again to his newest little brother; a tiny, scrunched-up looking thing with the loudest cry in the hospital. His parents often said they might try for another, but Kaien knew their family was complete now - a perfect whole.

Every year on their birthdays, Kaien would make the same promise to his little brothers. Even though by the age of five, the twins had started to vehemently protest they could take care of themselves; and Kon had managed to tell him (in a scary amount of detail for a young child) exactly why a boy should love a girl, and not another boy.

When tragedy struck it was Kaien who filled the void, pushing his own feelings of grief and despair aside to focus on looking after the rest of his family. It wasn't until almost six months after Masaki had died that he properly visited her grave, spending almost a full day pouring out everything he'd bottled inside for the sake of those dearest to him.

When the twins turned ten, he renewed his promise for the first time since their mother had died - his vow changing to include a promise to never let his brothers feel this aching loss ever again.

Miyako was the one thing he allowed himself outside his family, a pure and perfect distraction that was his, and his alone. As the pain of Maskai's loss dulled, and his brothers learned to smile again, Kaien spent more and more time with Miyako. Even simple things, like a walk by the river or the brief touch of her hand, could make him smile; and when he lost his virginity to her, it was loving and tender and perfect.

Her voice could soothe him with just a word, it was so soft and gentle, so when he heard that voice raised in a scream he finally knew what true fear really was. That fear was his last concrete memory of the last few minutes of his life, it was just a vague mess of screams, blood and pain. The only thing he could remember when he woke in Soul Society, with perfect clarity, were the faces of his brothers and one simple statement that burned like fire.

I broke my promise, I failed.

kaien, fan fiction, shiro, kon, ichigo, bleach

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