Oh dearie me.

Mar 14, 2009 12:12

A high scream pierced the air and made Kurotsuchi Mayuri increase his pace irritably, dealing an almost absent-minded backhand to the woman shadowing his every step.

“Stupid whore,” he spat out in an undertone, mindful of the early hours and not wanting to wake anyone. “I don’t recall creating you to be less than 100% efficient.”

Nemu picked herself up from the ground silently, accepting the abuse as her due.

“My apologies, Mayuri-sama. It had not yet been recorded that one of the experimental Hollows had the use of acidic saliva, the bars holding it had not been designed to withstand such a corrosive.”

Mayuri stopped, ignoring the distant sound of the Hollow for now, and concentrated fully on Nemu. One hand held her still while the other viciously hit her again, one long fingernail scraping her cheek and drawing blood.

“I don’t want to hear your excuses, all eventualities should have been catered for - to do any less is a lack of diligence.”

“Yes, Mayuri-sama.”

A loud cracking noise split the air and Mayuri sighed in annoyance, there were so many more productive uses of his time than chasing down one of his experimental Hollows, but it had to be done before anyone noticed it - after all, strictly speaking he wasn’t supposed to be keeping live Hollows for testing…

Letting go of Nemu abruptly, he shunpo’d towards the sound trusting that she would follow 0.75 metres behind, as she had been designed to do.

Rounding the street corner he stopped in horror, unwilling to take in the sight of that damnable Hollow attacking his Squad building. Of all the places and buildings in Seireitei, why did it have to be trying to claw its way through the only one he cared about keeping whole?

For a moment he was still, struck by the dilemma of what to do next; he had no desire to kill the creature now it had exhibited such fascinating physiological traits, but there was no way he would stand and allow it to destroy his precious laboratory.

A small smirk tugged at the corner of his lips as his genius gave him the perfect solution, as he had known it would. A carefully calculated ball of kidou shot from his hand towards the Hollow, striking it on the left shoulder and causing it to rear back in pain; just as he had predicted, it re-focused it’s attack on the next nearest building full of spiritual energy - 11th Squad.

Half crazed with pain, and overwhelmed with the sheer volume of reiatsu all around it, the Hollow was half-way through decimating the food hall by the time sleep-dazed, but angry members of 11th Squad began to surface.

Standing back in the shadows, Mayuri made no move to help defeat the Hollow now; simply making data notes on it’s attack patterns and resilience, stepping forwards only when the creature was severely weakened and the battle almost over.

“Stop this instant.” Mayuri ordered, much to the surprise of the fighting Shinigami who hadn’t even realized he was there. “How dare you damage one of my precious experimental specimens?”

He clicked his fingers and Nemu, silent as a ghost, glided forwards and past him. Leaping towards the Hollow and subduing the already weakened beast; with no regard for her own safety, she grasped the Hollow by one long fanged tooth and firmly began to lead it back to the containment compound.

“What the fuck is going on out here?” A familiar gruff voice demanded, Kenpachi emerging and looking at the shocked members of his Squad standing amongst the debris that had been their dining hall.

“Your subordinates damaged a valuable specimen belonging to me.” Mayuri informed him, in haughty tones, clear dislike for his neighbouring Captain in every word.

Kenpachi gestured to his broken squad building. “And your Hollow destroyed my bloody Squad. Where the hell are we supposed ta eat now?!”

“Those menial details are no concern of mine; you are responsible for your own Squad.” Mayuri said, waving a hand irritably as he walked away.

“No concern of his…?” Kenpachi growled, scratching his chin thoughtfully as he watched Mayuri retreat inside his laboratory. “Heh. We’ll see.”

fan fiction, kenpachi, mayuri, request, bleach

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