Dec 20, 2005 21:04
Our Christmas tree is successfully decorated.
I love our Christmas tree. It has to be the most beautiful one in the whole world. I'll tell you why I like it so much. It is so like me. No, I do not excrete sap (I hope, anyway)and no, I am not covered in spiny appendages, and no, I do not create offspring via pinecones (although 'cone' was my first word, in reference to them). But we are so similar. extended metaphor warning: Our tree just drips with color. Light reflects and radiates off of it in every color there is. And it always changes; it never looks quite the same each new time you look at it. It's always doing something, even if doesn't appear to be to the untrained eye. It's always in action. Our tree is so incredibly random. If you inspect the branches of our white pine, you will undoubtedly get very confused. It's all up there, from ceramic tacos to a jumping easter bunny, from knitted Hutterite slippers to a miniature barrel of peaches. Not to mention the star made of two pie plates and some abstract thing I cobbled together from felt when I was about four. Our tree just has so much imagination. Some people might look at our tree with utter uncomprehension or even scorn, but it is just happy to be what it is and happy to be so different.
Ok, gotta go study Macbeth some more.