Mar 15, 2011 16:21
I have the same prof for my Old Icelandic course as for my Modern Icelandic course. I name him Lupin. This is of no significance.
Yesterday we were working on Auðunr þáttr in Old Icelandic. In it, Audun has to meet King Harald of Norway because he's bought a bear. He goes to see the king and tells him that he's taking the bear to King Sveinn of Denmark as a gift (something that wouldn't please Harald very much).
Lupin: "Please bear in mind that Harald IS THE MOST FEARED KING OF NORWAY EVER."
Audun keeps talking and switches pronouns so that he is no longer talking politely to the king, and talks about himself as if he's of a higher standing than the king himself.
Lupin: "Clearly, Audun has a deathwish."
Same class:
Lupin: "And then there was the guy that randomly found Beowulf. Remember him? ...oh. Well that's my point! Now, to look at this [unrelated to Beowulf]..."
Today a ventilation windowthingie above the door randomly opened.
Lupin: *frowns at it* "This is unnatural. It is, however, probably very environmental friendly. Energy saving and all." *keeps frowning at it*
Approximately every class:
Lupin: *explains some complicated-yet-not part of Icelandic/Old Norse grammar*
class: *dumbface*
Lupin: *despairs* "Does anyone here speak German?!"