Apr 26, 2011 22:42
A day late, for which I apologize, but I and my team met up again yeasterday, April the 25th. Our producer run-through was good, but we needed to add some time and a quicker pace to our show. A difficult task, but not impossible. Adding several new bits of diologue to both add to the time length and explain the motivations of two of the characters more clearly as well as laying down all the props and costumes we needed/have and doing another run-through should have us more than prepared for Wed. tech rehearsal. I've had my line(s) memorized for a while now, and other than throwing a costume together that resembles our costume designers artwork I feel I'm already good to go for April 27th and the final perofrmance after that. Here's hoping I and my cast mates are able to break a many legs, arms, and necks as needed to properly pull this off!