Feb 03, 2009 22:40
so i had a dream last night. (whoa. really? why is last night any different than any other night?) well it was a weird dream...i'll just say that. not wierd in the sense that like i would have a dream about me and this giraffe and we would solve crimes and then one day we get hired by the president to solve this big case that leads to us being hunted by the very people that hired us and we unveil this big cover up and then something goes wrong and the giraffe gets shot and i lose him as my best friend and i have to go solve the case and get revenge on whoever killed him which turns out to be the president and then.......i'm getting off topic. i mean it was wier in the sense of the setting of the dream. i really have no idea why it would be set there. usually my dreams are set in either a place or places that relate to the dream itself. but this didn't really have to do with that place. basically what im trying to say is, Why would my dream take place in Middle of Nowhere snAppleton, Wisconsin? at least i think that it took place there. i think i remember some of the landmarks that i saw there, like that cool looking theatre and some other places. but it really had nothing to do witht the dream. not iven the few people i know in the town had a big role in it. they might have showed up once or twice but nothing prominent. i mean it was still a sweet dream. sweet in both senses of the word. like it was an awesome dream and it was also kinda cute how the events played out. I don't know. just the setting is what bothered me. well not really bothered, but well. idk. i actually kinda wish what happened in the dream, actually happened. that would be rather amazing. and i guess the funny part of this post is after you read all this, (provided that anyone actually reads this) you still have no idea of what the dream is really about. take that. and the only way you will find out is if you ask me. and no. i will not tell you over livejournal. you would have to ask me prolly over AIM. take that, again