I bet that half the people - no, make that 75% - who are protesting about the cartoons don't have a clue what they actually portray, especially given the fact that they're written in Danish - how many Muslims out there speak it? (barring the ones in Scandinavia)
Apparently some photos and cartoons are being mentioned which were never published in the Danish paper and didn't even originate in Denmark. Nice to know people are dying well-informed and for a good cause...
Anyway in the interests of information, here is a description of the 12 cartoons that were actually published in Denmark - and none of them, contrary to apparent popular opinion, show Mohammed as a pig. No reproductions so any Muslims out there are safe to look.
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/4693292.stm I particularly like the recent quote on the BBC from some angry young man: "They want to know whether Muslims are extremists or not. Death to them and to their newspapers".
Ah right, well, now we've heard that, we're totally reassured that you at least are not an extremist. Ahem.