Thankful meme

Oct 26, 2005 16:08

Ok, listing ten things I'm thankful for.

1/ Ry for making me sit down and think about things I'm thankful for when I was having a bad day.
2/ I have a wonderful, supportive husband who not only is capable of cleaning, cooking and generally looking after me, but even does so without being asked.
3/ I have a beautiful healthy baby boy.
4/ Said baby boy is currently soundly asleep!
5/ My family are coming to visit this weekend.
6/ The brilliant friends I've made online through Harry Potter - both at GH/Mystix and the GDG. You guys are helping me stay sane.
7/ Nath - without whom I'd never have met the other GDG folks in the first place.
8/ The friends I've made here who have been so helpful since Xavi was born.
9/ The sun is shining again! Everything seems so much better when the clouds aren't floating around at chin-height!
10/ God - who provided me with all of the above and with the patience to cope with a screaming baby. (I am not a patient person by nature!)

So now I have to tag ten people...
ablueskier, erinspider, eloisem, graceless_gh and nortney
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