
Apr 30, 2006 15:57

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palestflame May 1 2006, 05:42:37 UTC
Jason was beginning to feel slightly annoyed, but he gave no sign of it. A man of Dumbledore's stature in the wizarding world cared more about what his students wore to class than having a pervert like Moody running around? The man was clearly a crackpot. Not for the first time, Jason saw exactly why most Slytherins didn't care for the Headmaster.

Jason had no idea who had placed the complaint or why. They could be some well-meaning person who thought he'd be better off living permanently as a girl, or it could be some homophobic twerp trying to make trouble. In any case, clothing was a non-issue with Jason now. He had his free time where he could wear dresses if he wanted to, and he complied with the school rules in wearing boys' clothes to class and to official appointments with teachers. He was even starting to enjoy the more attractive boys' clothes that Eveline bought him, now that he knew he could be beautiful and desirable as a male. Yes, he loved his feminine side, and Rachel was his inner strength. But he was finding it very exciting to explore being a beautiful boy...

"I understand perfectly, sir. It's the school rules," Jason said politely. Rachel didn't have to say anything for him to know what she was thinking...

If you care so much about rules, why aren't you doing anything about Moody, hmmm?

Jason wasn't some fragile little virgin anymore, and he had no illusions about this man.


prof_dumblydore May 2 2006, 01:25:54 UTC
Not having been told anything about Moody, for Pomfrey's report still sat upon her desk, Albus could only deal with the situation at hand.

At that point, he was slightly pleased that Mr. Travers was getting the idea so quickly. "I'm delighted you see things so maturely, Mr. Travers. That was the only issue that needed discussing at this time."

Something twinged on the forefront of Jason's mind but Albus didn't use Legilimancy. He would not do such a thing unless it proved necessary and, thus far, he had not been given any sign. "If there's anything I can do for you, you have but to ask." All the same, it was best to leave issues open.


palestflame May 2 2006, 23:28:28 UTC
"Of course, Headmaster. Thank you."

Jason hoped he could be excused before he started to get really angry, or Rachel did, which would be worse. As it was, he remained calm. He couldn't believe he'd been called into Dumbledore's office for something so trivial!


prof_dumblydore May 4 2006, 00:39:15 UTC
"You're very welcome." Albus leaned back in his chair, pleased that the first meeting went so well.

He sensed a great deal of anger coming from the young child. "Is there something else you wish to tell me, Mr. Travers?" His voice was kept gentle and unthreatening.


palestflame May 4 2006, 20:07:39 UTC
"Not really, sir," Jason replied, choosing his words carefully. "I suppose... I'm kind of annoyed at whoever made that complaint. It just seemed such a silly thing."

He had no intention of letting Dumbledore know about Rachel. If he had to reveal her to an adult, it would be Madame Moreau, Professor Grimsby or Professor Riddle, someone he actually had respect for.


prof_dumblydore May 5 2006, 13:45:59 UTC
"Yes, well, many things can seem silly to one and serious to another. I still have to follow up on these issues regardless of my own personal opinion. My apologies for keeping you here so late. You're dismissed, Mr. Travers. Feel free to take back some lemon drops with you if you so desire."


palestflame May 7 2006, 05:44:08 UTC
"Thank you, Headmaster." Jason stood to go, intending to ignore the lemon drops as Rachel so obviously disliked them. However, he decided to take a few for Serj. Small children loved sweets.

As Jason left, he again thought how silly Dumbledore's reaction to the complaint had been. Really, the old man wasn't much of a Headmaster.


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