Mar 02, 2012 12:50
Finally watched it.
• Ron's "I'm totally not gay" *ahem* after spotting Chris' dismount from the suspension bar. Jesus, Ron, Chill-- you were awesomely cool being checked out at The Bulge. You can deal with touching Chris in a totally not gay way.
• "Man genius." What does that even mean? I kind of like the way she is thinking here.
• The whole water fountain sucking problem in Pawnee. Local customs are so awesomely weird. This had us on the freaking floor every time.
• The whole April still hating Ann is old. Frankly it shows the one thing I hate about April-- her immaturity in dealing with relationship issues. Study up, girl! I have about an essay's worth of stuff to say on April's annoying character inconsistencies which the writers are not dealing with, but I'll save it.
• Floozy shaming, not ok, Leslie!
• Hmmm-- Leslie's swipe at East coast and European liberals with the NY Times, and Le Monde dig. Ironic after Marcia Langman pulled the same punch in Jerry's Painting, but sadly, probably effective in Pawnee.
• Not cool with Ann calling Tom "Dummy" -again- or did she call Andy Dummy? Seriously- her other epithets are awesome. "Dummy," not so much.
• Striped sweaters! Leslie and Ann have a fleet of awesome striped sweaters, which i am just loving. Nice use of patterns complimented by Ben's striped ties.
• I love the reality check that Jennifer is bringing-- Leslie who is so organized and on top of things Pawnee, realizes for the first time that her game is Pawnee league. She has a whole graduate education ahead of her to become state league, and national league. And I'm hoping the writers get behind her and allow her (and Ben) to Go Big.
ron swanson,
leslie knope,
parks and recreation,
april ludgate,
ben wyatt