Apr 27, 2006 19:39
P_U_ - I Wear My Sunglasses At Night says:
is it creepy to have your birth certificate photo as a display picture?
Alfihar, the Warring Gael says:
probably, stephens.
Alfihar, the Warring Gael says:
Infant Stephens. Brain emptied and awaiting deposit of language, symbol and sensory input by which it might cobble together a soul.
Alfihar, the Warring Gael says:
it is an empty unit.
Alfihar, the Warring Gael says:
It is not Alex, but rather, the husk from which Alex was built.
P_U_ - I Wear My Sunglasses At Night says:
HAHAHAHAHA.... sage words my man..... that's awesome...
And yah, I still cobble, ohhhhhh how I cobble.. in fact, I'm cobbling right now
P_U_ - I Wear My Sunglasses At Night says:
it's kinda creepy really to look at that picture for me.... like, Jesus, that's me... normally you expect relatively normal photos of yourself taken in subsequent periods of your days, and then you evaluate, laugh and reminisce over them
That picture is like, I'm still covered in a fine layer of placenta
So true...