Jan 23, 2003 09:00
Ok this one's been brewing inside a while now. Over break i went on this ski trip thing with all these kiddies i know. Of course they brought the alchol, now these kids didn't drink in high school with the exception of a few, but I'm not talking about them. These are the kids that made fun of the "cool" kids that partied all the time and went away to the shore or whatever to drink. They said they didn't understand why they would want to do that, did they want to forget the good time? Now these same kids are doing the same thing. I even overheard one of them say that they where glad they didnt drink in high school. I would have loved to ask, "WHY THE HELL NOT? At least in high school drinking could have helped you climb the social ladder."
South park was intirely correct, drugs make you ok with being bored. yes, alchol is a drug. so now its not enought to go hang out with your friends and ski and such for four days, nope not fun enough, you have to get drunk, or buzzed, (samethings douchebags) to have fun and bond with one another and to make it memeriable.
yes thank you, cuntox. i get it, super.