Automobiles suck ass

Jan 07, 2006 18:47

My beater died on me while I was headed to work on monday, It just kinda died out and drifted to a slow, agonizing stop. This I sumized should've thrown me into a new dimention of pissed off that I have never been but oddly enough it didn't. I still don't feel too bad about it. I know in my heart that it gave it's all and may have just turned it's last crank, I'll give it up for that car it took a lotta shit before it went out. I jumped it, took it way past posted speed limits, abused the gas pedal quite a bit, drifted it, overloaded it far past it's limit, and never gave it those tires it needed. I think I'll be able to get it going again and if I cant it's no big deal, I'll just get somethin better. I should be pissed but my new years goal is to not let the stupid things get to me and give me a coronary. I think this optimisim thing cuold work out very well for me. If anyone finds a decent ride out there for sale let me know please.
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