Mar 06, 2002 12:09
Hello All,
its been a while since i wrote, sorry ive seemed to have spilt some beer on my key board. im pretty sure ill be living in my new appt. next month, i went to go see it yesterday, this fukin place is huge. its 4 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. its only gonna be 400 buxx, between all 3 of us, thats madness. on the other hand im not sure if i want to move, im very close to saving all the cash i need for my new vehicle. my bass player called me last night to see if i wanted to come back into the band..... ill think about it. now lets talk about something else than my "worthless" life. the song of the week is,Sham69-(theres ganna be a borstal breakout). drugs are bad and stay in skool. "Once can bring mental pleasure, Once can remind, but All is the key. being able to learn yourself and absolute denomination, this is the key to learn your future and surroundings."-Admiral J.P. Fodi(uotcaa)
Thanx for your time Once again,
Adimiral J.P. Fodi