[10spot] Intro - 10 things about me

Oct 27, 2009 10:37

1. I was born in Florence, Italy a very long time ago.
2. I never much cared for my father. The feeling was mutual.
3. I don't believe in brooding.
4. I like who I am.
5. I have a younger brother who's been nothing but a pain in my ass for centuries.
6. Despite rumors you may have heard to the contrary, I don't seduce or feed on children.
7. I don't appreciate attempts to "save" me--I'm just fine, thanks.
8. I'm not sure I've ever actually been in love. Obsessed, yes. Love--I don't know.
9. He may be a pain in my ass, but no one gets to kill my brother but me. Someday. When he finally annoys me enough.
10. I don't sparkle.

community: the ten spot, verse: all, what: prompt

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