朱 Application

Feb 27, 2010 09:55

Name/Handle: Lucy
AIM | TheLadyHokage
Y!M | bloodscornedfoe
Personal LJ: vitalstar

Name: Uchiha Itachi
Series: Approximately three(3) years after the 'massacre'
Canon: AU
Age: Sixteen(16)
History: Itachi was born under the Uchiha clan, to Mikoto and Fugaku Uchiha as the oldest son. He was four years old when he first experienced the ill fortunes of war that would inevitably leave him scarred and traumatized. Itachi learned the pain of death, the true definition of sacrifice, and eventually, just how much suffering one had to go through to gain peace.

He was aware of his families history. The most memorable beginning of the Uchiha’s greatness went back to the time his clan fought against a rivaling clan (the Senju) protecting their honor by any means necessary. It did not matter how many bodies were laid across the earth, how much blood was spilled across the lands- their stubbornness for superiority had always blinded the clan. Over the years when Itachi was born and frown, he saw just how powerful the Sharingan could really be and always kept it in his conciseness that the ultimate weapon he had inherited was both a blessing and a curse: it all depended on what you used it for.

On that tragic day when he was four years old, when his eyes looked upon a field of burning bodies and death, he told himself he wanted to change things, but to what would eventually be chosen in his later years.

Growing up was quite a feat. Itachi’s childhood had truly ended with that traumatic scene, and the birth of his little brother Sasuke when he was five.

The day his brother was born, Itachi made another promise to himself. He would not allow his brother to witness the horrors he had once faced. He did not want his Sasuke to grow up arrogant and weak- he wanted him to be one of a kind: humble and honest.

Through deaths and rivalries, Itachi wanted to become someone else, someone who would apply a change. He did not want to see war in the world, he wanted peace. By the age of seven he had graduated from school and by eight had almost fully mastered the arts of the Sharingan. When he turned thirteen, he was placed as the captain of the ANBU by the Third Hokage.

His father considered him the prodigy of the Uchiha clan and more often then not, kept more to Itachi then his other son Sasuke. As much as his father paid attention to him, Itachi always made it a point to help his little brother. If there was someone he loved unconditionally, it was him. This undying affection and respect would later cause the worst trouble Itachi could have asked for.

It all started with his ancestors and their blood lines undying anger.

During the days before Konoha had been established, the Uchiha clan began to have some trouble with their rival clan: the Senju clan. At the time, Uchiha Madara had been in charge of the on-going battle between them and their rival clan and had caused so much destruction between the two. A time finally came when the two clans ceased fire and created a 'peace treaty' which would seize all fighting between the two clans. Madara, fearing that the Senju clan could not keep their word, grew very spiteful and eventually led to the rage that ended up consuming him when Hashirama Senju became the First Hokage. He soon left the country unable to live under the command of such a man.

While Konoha was founded, the Uchiha clan was still thought to be rather dangerous. After all, they had been rivals for so long that when the Kyuubi attacked Konoha that would eventually be sealed inside Naruto years later, they suspected the Uchiha clan of setting it loose on them. They reached this conclusion because the Sharingan has the ability to control it- they are a fire based clan. Many of the people in the Uchiha clan were enraged that any form of suspicion had been thrown their way. Anger at their suspicion soon led some members to create a secret group with the intent of overthrowing Konoha. The elders of Konoha began to suspect this and; under the jurisdiction of the Third Hokage, sent a spy among the Uchiha: Itachi.

Itachi had surpassed many, he was considered the most gifted youth. Not only was he incredibly strong on his own, the sharingan was but another lethal weapon. Itachi had sensed his clans evil plotting and had warned the third as soon as possible. At first, the village elders had not taken him seriously due to their bias nature against the Uchiha, but the Third managed to make them understand. Unfortunately, there were others who continued to make it difficult for the third and his spy.

That biased was what eventually caused the gap between Itachi's trust and the village. While Itachi pleaded for audience, the elders did nothing under the pretense that Itachi was merely causing trouble. The Third Hokage was behind Itachi the entire time, but apparently it wasn't enough to catch the attention or concern of the very elders that knew perfectly well what troubles the Uchiha could elicit. The more time that passed meant the more time Itachi was forced spending it with his clan. Their plotting grew, their anger was fueled by the rudeness and unfair punishments that continued after their suspicions were risen. Segregating the Uchiha wasn't enough anymore, it seemed, and as much as the Third Hokage and Itachi didn't want this to occur, they had no choice. Danzo was far more talented at manipulating others than the third and Itachi ever were. He had a clean slate unlike Itachi's last name. He strongly opposed the notion that Itachi had been set as a spy. According to him, Uchiha's couldn't be trusted and he was more than likely on their side. Itachi's career in the ANBU became jeopardized.

Itachi was stuck between two worlds where he was seen as the enemy. His family questioned his allegiance and his own village considered him just as dangerous as the rest of his clan.

The Uchiha clan was indeed planning to overthrow Konoha. No matter how much Itachi tried to change their views, they never faltered with their ill intent. It merely led to the rest of his clan disliking him. It was a big hit on a personal level. He had become a strong shinobi in order to protect and serve his clan and country... but his clan wanted to ruin all of those ideals for something as petty as a damaged honor. Was he in the right if he stayed with his clan? No, he felt that despite the suspicions that were thrown against his clan, their movements to overthrow an established government was going to far. He eventually made up his mind that his clan had clearly forgotten what it meant to be a shinobi. They hid behind a clans name and symbol with its strength, but alone they were nothing. Itachi lost all hope with ever changing the arrogance of his clan. He finally told the Third Hokage what his clan intended to do and the elders merely frowned. Danzo krept out of the shadows and made it clear that an entire genocide was the only option. The elders all agreed, Itachi was shocked.

For a group of individuals who had marked him as a traitor when he was merely trying to protect them, they sure jumped into their conclusions. Death, as much as Itachi knew was necessary, was not the key in this situation. They were not at war. They still had time.

The Third Hokage and himself began to try and appease the anger within the Uchiha congregation. They wanted a more peaceful approach, one that would not fall with genocide. Unfortunately, too much time had passed and the Uchiha were reluctant. It only caused more strain on their relationship with Itachi. The young prodigal heir soon discovered that the clan was ready to strike and far too soon than anticipated. The third and Itachi rushed to report this information but the council and Danzo stood by their previous decision: genocide was the only way.

The order to completely annihilate the Uchiha clan was var too devastating, but Itachi felt there was no other way. Whether he left Konoha in the hands of his clan or in the hands of the elders, their fate would be the same. Konoha had fallen terribly in his mind, the government with which he had once adored was falling down the grave he knew he was digging himself. The Uchiha were too stubborn and any peace compromise would have fallen on deaf years. Itachi, from his many experiences and trauma’s understood his own clans strength. His only request was for his younger brother to be kept alive and to know nothing of what happened. He feared that if he were to know about the incident of their clan he would grow cold. Instead, he persuaded the Third into letting him believe that his clan had truly been noble despite the fact Itachi mercilessly killed them all. Around this time he came in contact once more with Madara who had now grown a resentment and loathing to the Uchiha's but a likable interest in the prodigal heir to the Uchiha clan. Itachi agreed to help him slaughter their clan in exchange for Konoha's safety and at once, their deed was set into motion but unfortunately, the Uchiha clan acted sooner than anticipated.

It had started as a rumor within the Uchiha clan that Itachi had spilled the information to the third Hokage and as paranoid as the clan had become, they grabbed their arms and wrecked their havoc upon the village. Their targets were the elders and every head of chair in the village. Itachi was too late. By the time Itachi had realized it, his father had all ready begun his attack on the nearby quarter's. That same bloodshed he had tried to prevent occurred. Shinobi of the village began to attack him in turn and before he knew it, he was killing his own fellow shinobi.

He did not agree with the thoughts of his clan but he couldn't just take a hit from an attacker and die. He defended himself the way he knew how and it unfortunately meant death. He fought his way towards the government quarters to try and stop his father but it was useless. Even if the Uchiha stopped their attack, the punishment for treason was death. His clan would die either way.

The infiltration of the government quarter was underway when Itachi reached it. He managed to find the elders and the Third Hokage still intact and defending themselves as best they could, but the Uchiha had cut almost all communications with such speed. They had been far more prepared than anyone had anticipated, even Itachi was at a loss for words. His clan hadn't trusted him with such details. It was then the the reason behind the sudden attack was revealed to the young Uchiha and it left him dumbstruck. Danzo had anonymously tipped off the Uchiha thinking that it would cause Itachi enough strain between himself and the clan for him to agree on the genocide, but it seemed that instead of dealing with the boy, the entire clan decided to act accordingly. It was like a big trap set for the Uchiha's clan destruction. First they had accused his clan without any justification but a bad hunch, and now they had pressed them over the edge. He had been used just like his clan. This went far beyond the definition of using a shinobi as a village's tool.

His father and his men soon reached him and a battle ensued. Fugako was killed by the wrath of the third and the rest of the elders were slaughtered. Eventually, it was all upon Itachi to kill the Third with which he knew he couldn't. After a long confrontation, eventually the Third was over thrown. Konoha's main government branch was over thrown. A civil war broke out.

With the death of Fugaku as the leader of the Uchiha, Itachi was rushed to be placed as the head of the clan but the thirteen year-old wasn't anywhere near prepared for it. His heart and mind were shattered at his failure. Madara took advantage of the boys weekend state to whisper orders into his ears. Eventually, Itachi was leading his clan to victory and about a year of war within the village, the Uchiha clan took its place as the leading body of the village. The suppressed were now the suppressors. Itachi fought for his peace but his own clan didn't bother to listen to him half the time. Where he wanted diplomacy, his men would prefer the edge of a sword. Where he wanted peace, they saw war. Their greed was spreading and as word began to leak to nearby villages of Konoha's state, that sinful lust for power began to spread outside the village's walls. Neighboring villages were trying to conquer Konoha but to no avail. The Uchiha stood firm in their strengths and with Madara in the shadows slowly ruling to control the world as it seemed, Konoha was in the end, a force to be reckoned. Madara was throwing the world back to its fuedal roots of war. Itachi couldn't have that.

Itachi was alone with his crown and blunt scepter, but he was slowly trying to regain the village he had once lost. The progress was slow but steady, he wanted to establish more order through out the chaos. His only trustworthy partner was his brother. Unfortunately, fate would prove to be against his favors again as an assination mission aimed at Itachi resulted on Sasuke's death. Itachi was devastated beyond repair. His brother had been killed by the war he had helped create when all his original intentions had been to prevent his brother from suffering. His very mother refused to acknowledge Itachi anymore. Madara fed the growing traumatized teenager his poison.

Personality: Itachi is a young man of many troubles. Depending on the situation, he'll adapt to the certain ambiance. For example, if there is hostility in the air, Itachi can very much become the cold-blooded Uchiha clan leader he is feared to be. If the moments are calm and peaceful, he has no problem being kind... even if he calls it having some mercy. Despite the fact every one believed him to be an emotionless killer, he is quite the opposite. Emotions were always the over all downfall of this man, he cared to much and feared the laws of breaking orders. He never, however, feared death or sacrifice. The day he became the spy against his own clan was the day he emotionally began to fall. He never allowed himself to break under the pressure.

In a sense, Itachi always believed in peace no matter how troubled the times were. He understands perfectly well the balances of power and what happens when power is used incorrectly. Rationality, logic, and intelligence are virtues he respects highly and holds true to. Organization along with duty are two aspects that he deems necessary for peace to exist. Along side that, a person might consider him rather optimistic but, even so, his mentality only comes from the complete analysis of a situation. If he sees something wrong, like a flaw in the upcoming events, he might very much think twice of going on. Itachi understands the meaning of surrender. He prefers a more diplomatic and intelligent fix then actual fighting over it. He's been so traumatized of war despite how becoming war lord has now forced him into the fight.

Around people, he can be rather quiet but it doesn't mean he isn't much of a talker. His sociable attitude all depends on the person he'll be exchanging words with. If he's surrounded by ignorance then he will most likely stay silent in attempts to show the person a lesson in manners or simply to give them a hint. One can consider him to hold a sense of humor despite the probable truth that one will probably never see or hear him laugh- he's been so emotionally scarred.

How he acts with people also depends on who he's with. For example, had there been someone of his clan or Madara's Akatsuki group about while he saw someone in need, he would more than likely ignore the person with out a glance yet, were he alone, the possibility that he would approach with a helping hand would be greater. Considering he's surrounded by his fellow kinsmen, he feels like he has to keep that vision of evil and strength the others carry despite the fact he can live without a fight.

Third-Person Sample:
The inked pen was just inches away from the paper on the wooden desk before the young Uchiha but the hand that held it wasn't moving. As if some spell held it suspended in the air without the owners approval, crimson eyes eyed it nervously.

It was past midnight and Itachi was suffering through another wave of insomnia as he tried to get some paperwork done. The room he had settled himself in was dark, the only light being the three small candlesticks that were threatening to burn out any second. Some of the wax had spilled the wax across the table, one of his rich sleeves were beginning to fall into the pool but he didn't seem to notice, he was still staring at that ink. The pieces of parchment below it were waiting for his signature, another order for war, and he just couldn't bring himself to sign.

How long would the nightmare go? How many more lives was he condemned to jot away? The wars hadn't seized and everyday there were bigger casualties. Body bags filled with his clans men were piling up in storage. Everyone was busy restoring the walls of the village to bother with giving the dead proper burials. They were becoming so uncivilized. All under his mandate.

"When will it stop, otuoto?" He muttered under his breath as the hand that held the pen twitched, a blot stained the parchment. He moved to sign his name in a scribbled rush before placing it on the pile of finished work before giving up for the night.

Madara would come around in the morning to check up on his process. The man had been whispering orders into his ear without his clan ever noticing. Had Sasuke been alive, he couldn't imagine what the boy would think. His glorious brother, tainted by war and played like some puppet by a madman with a grudge. He would have shed tears at the thought but he had cried enough. Sasuke's grave was always moist with his tears. Without another thought, he blew out the candles and let himself fall backwards onto the floor to ponder his misfortunes and what he was going to do tomorrow.

First-Person Sample Journal Post:
[Private to Self]
Couldn't sleep last night and as a consequence, I woke up late. Mother found me on the floor of my office room and informed me I had a meeting to go to. She still doesn't look at me. She cleaned my kitchen, though. That's a change.

The meeting dragged. Our 'Mizukage' has been talking about 'surrendering' to Konoha. Madara has been having his fun with it. I'm disgusted and appalled to think the rest of the villages would actually believe it. Command and conquer. How pathetic.

Sasuke's grave needs some attending to. The grass has grown tall around the tombstone.

!niteo_nix, !application

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