May 10, 2005 02:47
So now all there is left for me to do is sit and pray. I *finally* got confirmation that my professor recieved my final paper. I feel like the paper is F grade. It is 5 pages short, ends up being effectively incoherent towards the end AND is comprised largely of quotes. I mean, I'd certainly understand if she failed me on it. Thankfully though, I should be able to make a C in the class overall with a 59 on the final paper. We'll see though. Now onto my take-home philosophy exam which is to only be two pages long.
I swear, if they don't let me graduate because of some insignificant issue that they simply haven't informed me of, I'm going to get so pissed off and soooo upset that dangerous things may happen. For the sake of the people around me, I hope that they give me my scroll and send me on my way. Can't wait to hang out w/ my friends this weekend!
So here's my schedule for people that are coming to visit and people that I traditionally hang out with. First, Wednesday, I'm going to be done with everything. I fully intend to go play Halo w/ Shuhei and just enjoy general shananigans throughout the evening. Thursday, Kevin and I are going to pick up Doug at the airport, promptly drive to Oxford, Get drunk. Friday, I drive back over to Emory and participate in some Magic Drafting fun from 4 to 9. Then I decide on whether I want to hang w/ Kevin and Doug or get drunk at Poker w/ people that I might not see all summer long. This will be a tough decision so I'm gonna put it off till the last minute. Saturday I'm gonna wake up after being drunk either way and probably play some video games/hang out with my family. Then I shall proceed to hang out with anyone available(meaning once again probably Kevin and Doug since Doug is fresh into town SPECIFICALLY for my graduation and to hang w/ Kevin and I)then get trashed that evening w/ someone, somewhere. Finally Sunday will roll around. I will relax, go to sleep early, and be up by 6 on Monday for that crappy thing I have to go to which i've been waiting too long for. Considering I've never actually graduated from anywhere before(meaning that I've never walked) you'd think I'd be more excited. I'm not. HOWEVER, WEWTNESS for getting trashed on Thursday
and Saturday!