Sep 15, 2006 01:14
Never thought the day would come when politics get to me at work. Going to start a long rant.
There were, and always will be politics but the recent waves have gotten damn big and are threatening to drown me. It all started with the transfer of the CEO - his replacement then had some power struggle with the senior management and in the end, 3 tendered their resignation.
I'm not so much affected by their leaving - it was the 4th resignation by my boss that did. Getting to the point, the new CEO is starting to build his empire by hiring people that he knows. This includes my boss' position (senior manager). Honestly i dont give a damn but what really irked me is that this new guy can only join in mid-Nov, and that CEO never took into consideration people on the ground like myself who will have to handle all the workload for these few MONTHS OMFG!!
And dont give me that fucking bullshit about oh this is the time and opportunity for you to shine. Hello, you pay me a senior manager pay first lah! I'm very much the team player, believe me. I would happily help out for the transition period when the boss leaves and the next one comes. But because of the CEO's selfish act, he apparently turned down this lady who was suitable and could start in early Oct, just so he could pull his buddy in to join his side in this corporate tug-of-war.
Anyways, specifically, my boss' duties are offloaded on myself and the team director. No prizes for guessing who actually does the work and who directs.
If the director guy was any capable like the previous one, it would have been dandy. But no, he's this idiot who only knows how to talk and talk and talk and talk. Oh yea, and loves to drink beer. Very typical British. Well, even when he's sober he doesnt know jackshit about half the projects that are happening. I dont even know what the hell is he doing everyday. Even when i have issues to escalate to him, he just talks in circles and suggests some crap advice because he doesnt really know anything, arghhhhh!! He also wastes my time by asking me to do the most mundane stuff eg. help him PDF a Word document. WTF?? Cant you just use Acrobat or download a freeware??? We actually do have admin staff on the payroll ya know, and im not one of them.
AND the WORST thing is - he has these really loooooooooooooooong nostril hairs growing out of his nose that is really damn DISTRACTING!!!! I JUST WANT TO REACH OUT AND YANK IT ALL FROM THE ROOT! I am not kidding when i say it is long. It is so long that im sure every time he bites into that Subway sandwich for lunch, the nostril hairs gets a dab of mustard or whatever dressing he fancies and he would have to clean it off with the tissue.
GAHHH and all this to suffer till Nov!!!! What am i going to do!!!
Ends dramatic rant.
Phew gawd knows i need a drink. This is going to be a long hangover.
stupid people