[All of Discedo is treated to the tell tale BZZZZZZZZZAP electric shock. Ignoring your communicator is bad and wrong. It's badong. ]
MOTHER F-- [And more colorful swear words follow, then a crashing sound.
Then, finally, a sigh...]
...anyone got cigarettes? I'm running low, and I'll give good trade for 'em.
A couple other things. [Reluctant.] I gotta do a supply run for the bar. Anyone wanna go with me on that?
That and...Cube. You guys need extra help at the cafe? Since uh... tch. Shorthanded.
Private (off network on 'wordpad')
So it's happening again. They show up here and just drop off like flies. They'll all be back, except they won't remember a damn thing. It's how it is. I can't get used to it, but I'm not sure what else to say about it. They wanna be back in Iwatodai. I don't.
...Anemone. Makes me wonder if you're better off back there. /private