Ty Lee, too? She was walking around just yesterday, wearing my damn hat and seeming fine. This is..
It goes on. Same as always.. did you people like my party? Looked like you enjoyed yourselves, though I'm not gonna apologize for any hangovers. Tough luck.
Yeah. So, why are my waiter and my hunter telling my chefs how to make butter? Do I gotta switch people's titles around, or what?
Edit: Uh. Wolfwood, are you alright? Kinda noticed you went off by yourself last night..
At least he's back. I won't judge.. he gave up for a week, and I did the same for two years. He's the stronger one.
As for her.. I'll protect her memory, if she doesn't come back. Got a collection now. Three in a row and so soon. Maybe they went back to something better.
Nervous about that vigilante guy, the new one. He'd better not go after the wrong people--but hell, I felt bad even talkin' to him. It just made me feel.. y'know, 'selfish,' like I call it.