Sep 21, 2004 23:23
Darlings, tonight, I had my first job as a translator. My friend Ali, who is perhaps the second most horny man alive, has found himself a potential girlfriend from Belgium, who eats macrobiotic and speaks about 100 words of Italian, but fairly good English. He invited us over to his house for his 26th birthday, and my job was essentially to be pimp and translator, and I was actually quite proud of myself that I made both work fairly well. She was really nervous because she was afraid he would want to have sex with her right away, and to be perfectly honest he did, but she couldn't explain to him that she is not like that, so I did it for her, he chilled out and she relaxed and when I left they were happily cuddling and making smoochy noises behind me. I also translated a lot of other things, like explanations of the fotographs he showed her, and her thoughts on Italian men. (not so good) I congratulate myself.
In other news, the city has entirely changed with the commencement of autumn. For example, the buses are no longer crowded with tourists. Instead they are crowded with high school students, because instead of having school buses, they get passes to use the public transportation. High school has only recently become required here, so students from little hamelts like Good Old San T will ride in on the big Greyhound type bus, and go to thier Liceo Scientifico, or Liceo Artistico as their particular bent lies. I still haven't decided if I prefer the high schoolers or the tourists. Its a tough call.
Also, the outdoor cafes have mostly packed up and become much smaller indoor cafes, and the street vendors selling jewelry, scarves, pottery, and fake Louis Vitton Purses, have been replaced by dudes standing in the rain with an umbrella to make you jealous, and a bucket full of other umbrellas to make you give them money. Also, the town crier/village idiot who dresses in red Adidas jumpsuits and shouts about the coming of the apocalypse in the center of the city has taken a holiday and retired to drinking tea in a cafe, a much quieter profession. The white dude with dredlocks who blows on a big pipe and pretends its a didjeridoo has not yet left, though, and he still hopes to get money for blowing one note on a big pipe. I'm sure I should regard his work as spiritual, but really I just think it is ridiculous. Sorry White Dredlocked Dude.
Also, my desires are changing with the weather. Instead of gelato, I've been hankering after hot chocolate these days. I finally found a bar that served one, so I ordered a Ciocolatto in tazza, literally chocolate in a cup. I thought that was a quaint way of calling it, but when they gave me the "hot chocolate" I understood that it was an apt nomer, because the chocolate was practically as thick as pudding, but warm. I discovered I quite like it, though it is practically a meal in itself, because it is chocolaty, but not too sweet, and it is made with milk instead of being one of those awful power/water mixtures that some places in the US pass off as hot chocolate. Good times.