stress now to relax later

Oct 16, 2007 21:56

Oh Texas folks:
Is there anything really persnickety I should know about driving from the campus area to Austin Bergstrom International? I'll be doing it during Friday's rush hour, and you guys know me and my loathing of traffic. As long as I'm prepared I'll be ok, it's just knowing the things like "you must be in the left lane for x turn" which they never deign to tell you in Texas that get me...

In an effort to clear my plate for the weekend, I'm going to have a busy week. I got my paper case for my alum tawed thong binding done today with only one or two major goof ups. That's why we do the first one in paper, though, so you goof up on that and not the expensive parchment. I'm doing leather dying Thursday morning, possibly redoing my photos for my Dallas Botanicals collection book, and deciding whether or not I need to shoot detail aftershots to go with my Sam Houston letter: Whatcha guys think? I've got some before shots of things like the signature, address, and a couple of the joints where the page was broken that I could do afters of as well, I just don't want to overload the page.

I'm completely ignoring research and mostly ignoring Users this week. If only all the users projects weren't due in the near future...

stress, homework, airport, photodoc, visitor

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