Look! I do know how to have fun!

Sep 30, 2007 16:27

This weekend has been very productive, in the best way possible. I took yesterday off. pboyd04 decided that it was high time I saw Texas, and got us tickets to the Texas A&M v. Baylor game. I hung out with him Friday night, spent the night on his couch, and in the morning we grabbed breakfast tacos from a place where not much english was spoken and hit the road to College Station. It was a morning game, which meant that it started at 11:30 and resulted in several hours of sitting in the bright sun. The game was fantastic, and I was surprised at how well I could see the field, given that our seats were high enough to have their own weather patterns.

It was a very good thing I went with an alumnus, or I wouldn't have understood half of what was going on. The other reason I was glad I was with an alumn was that the alumns get to sit down. The students stand through the entire game. They also yell a lot, most of it against UT, which was strange since they were playing Baylor. I was very glad I hadn't worn my UT hat. I was equally glad I'd snagged a free hat on the way in because otherwise I would have died of heatstroke. After the game I got the three-penny tour of A&M, and we grabbed a beer at the Dixie Chick.

The Dixie Chick is a bar in which 83% of guys from Oberlin would immediately be beatten up. Ok, maybe not, but the testosterone levels were high, to put it lightly. the UT-Kansas State game was on TV, and the crowd was fulfilling the maxim, "Aggies cheer for two teams. A&M, and Any Team Playing Texas." The Aggies had crushed Baylor 41-10, and UT was losing, so the crowd was very happy.

Today I got up early and got to lab at a decent hour. I finished the endbands on my alum-tawed split-thong text-block which will go into a limp vellum binding, and cut pages for another double raised cord binding. I didn't like my tensioning on the last one and I want another go at the endbands. I have to say, I like sewing the structural primary endband on an alum tawed core... I can't squeeze the fuck out of it like I occasionally do with a cord core, and I feel like the book could make it through an eathquake afterwards. It's probably just a factor of the fact that these structures are way too sturdy for the little models we're making. It's kind of like creating a steel suspension bridge to cross a 2 foot wide stream. Fun though.

Now I'm baking bread while "doing my Users reading." yup. Look at me read...

texas, homework, baking, football, endbands

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